assistance for aa friends mom

ljtlkg Member Posts: 2 *
edited December 2023 in Lung Cancer #1

hi, i am a 58 yr old gay man living with my 2 year seperated husband of 20 years battling hiv and all that goes along with getting older with no money (savings of anykind), and not seeing any possiblity of ever being able to retire. having said all that i have been put into a caregiver position, not oficially, of a friends mother who is 65 and recently disgnosed with stage 2-3 lung cancer. my friend and his mom have no car or means of transportation and i make money by driving for uber, lyft, and doordash, so i immediately became a resource to take her to her appts startinng with her first biopsy. most recently i took her to har last 3 actual drs apointments and sat in to console her when they gave her the results and plan of attack. i am also now running all the errands such as geting her rx and grocery needs.her son is having such a difficult time with it that even though he is at home and could go with us, he doesnt. and seems to have completly shut down regarding it. she needs someone there for her so guess who?

i lost my own faher to pancreatic cancer in april this yea and have not even dealt with everything tha come wth that. help!!!!!


  • ljtlkg
    ljtlkg Member Posts: 2 *

    me again, wanted to clarify my needs, need to know if there would be any assistance getting them a vehicle.

  • Heritage07
    Heritage07 Member Posts: 4 Member

    You are a wonderful friend however, this is a heavy burden to carry. Your friend and his mother should check with their cancer center and with their county department of aging. One or both of these organizations should be able to offer rides from volunteers at no or little cost to them. For example, I volunteer with a local non-profit that is affiliated with and is supported by local, state and federal government funding. One of the services offered is volunteers will drive seniors to their medical appointments for no cost. If your friends belong to any church or community groups they should also appeal to those organizations for assistance.

    With regard to RX and grocery needs, is it possible for them to arrange for home delivery from Walmart, Target or a local store?

    I’d also have a talk with the son. As difficult as this is, he needs to step up. Most cancer centers offer counseling or a social worker who can help with logistics and emotional support.