High d dimer.. lung nodule..

Calmspirit Member Posts: 33 Member

I just seem to be having a not great time..sorry.. just a vent with a bit of an I'm scared pity party...

I had chest pain so bad .. I can't think of another time I've had pain that bad..

To ER.. labs, xray etc.. ok but ddimer was over 1000.. so ct to check for blood clot..

No clot but 7mm nodule in left lower lobe.. and moderate coronary calcification...wth..

I'm not sure if I'm stressed over the nodule appearing..(is it cancer in my lung?) Or the coronary calcification.. moderate no less ( my cardiologist just said my cholesterol was a bit high so I needed to start a statin... but moderate?!?)

And I did take it last night then itched all night and today till around 2.. Dr at er told me not to take it again...

I'm done, my plate is full, I don't want to do this any more...