Wishing A Happy And Blessed Thanksgiving To Everyone

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

For each new morning with its light,

For rest and shelter of the night,

For health and food, for love and friends,

For everything Thy goodness sends.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wishing Everyone A Happy Thanksgiving 2023

Hello everyone on the CSN H&N discussion board.

Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Inviting everyone to consider the many things we have to be thankful for.

The many ways we are Blessed.

Sure things may not be anything they were like 10 years ago or in our pre-cancer days.

Age and cancer have a way of changing things but so do a lot of life's other circumstances.

And we have always adapted to other circumstances throughout our life and cancer is no different.

Another circumstance.

It certainly is life-changing though.

I believe many endure their cancer and treatment and move on not considering much.

For others cancer is life-changing getting them to consider life in depth, the question of where they are going to spend eternity once they leave this life, and numbering their days and considering each one as important and a Blessing, not just a string of days.

Cancer is that wall in front of us, and we can’t move forward till something is done about it.

This is the Blessing of cancer, a wake-up call to some, certainly a call to all.

No matter your circumstances today you have things to be thankful for and Blessings you can count.

There are folks who were here last year but are sadly not with us anymore-may we remember them fondly and in prayer.

I invite everyone to share your Thanksgiving greetings and ideas here with the rest of us.

Tell us what you are thankful for, how you are Blessed, and what you look forward to.

Take Care, God Bless


And as always—NEGU (Never Ever Give Up)

Count Your Blessings-They are still there in the darkest times. When I am in a dark time, health struggle, or other tough situations and my mood is not very positive I will get a piece of paper out and start writing down my blessings and before you know it I have quite a long list and don't feel so bad after all, give it a try.

Take Care, God Bless
