Daughters Bone cancer

cecepat Member Posts: 1 Member

I am new at this so please bear with me. My daughter now has Stage 4 Bone Cancer. She was diagnosed with a rare uterine cancer in 2008. After years of medication, chemo, and radiation and a few years in remission the cancer has returned as bone cancer. When this was discovered she was already at Stage 3. She is a single Mom of 3 wonderful boys 20, 17, and 13. For many ears she was a hardworking hair stylist and manager of the salon she worked for. She was told there was nothing that could be done to help her, no treatment or meds. Then she was told she could no longer work with the public, especially where there are children around. That was in the later part of 2021. She did take a couple of jobs working behind the scenes for a while but eventually had to quit. For the last 2 years she has had NO INCOME! The oldest son is on his own and the younger two are with their father so there is no child support. She has been residing with her Stepfather and I since June,2023. Her Stepfather is retired military, 81 yrs old. I am a retired Paralegal 78 yrs old. We live on a fixed income and supporting her is draining us financially. I have been desperately trying to get her on disability and under hospice care. Is there anyone that can help me with this? I am getting nowhere on my own. TIA


  • batemac
    batemac Member Posts: 1 Member

    my husband has mets bone cancer

    He had a recent ct scan, previously the hotspots were a light colour now they are dark

    Does anyone know if this is a side effect from chemo, been told( not by the oncologist) this is where the bones are repairing , not sure?