Rate pineal tumor

mamabear0004 Member Posts: 1 *
edited August 2023 in Brain Cancer #1

7 yrs of fighting and watching my sweet son have seizures since age 16 and other awful symptoms. The tumor initially being missed and told he has epilepsy which I never believed! The fight to find a nuerosurgeon capable of resecting this mass has been tremendous, now very short notice after consulting with his nuerosurgeon that surgery will be on Aug 14th...just 4 short days! No time to prepare his recovery or the financial needs that entail 3-6 mo off work. We are desperate for help.


  • CSNSupportTeam
    CSNSupportTeam admin Posts: 239

    Hello mamabear0004,

    Thank you for joining the Cancer Survivors Network community. We are so sorry to hear you and your family are going through such a difficult time. The American Cancer Society is here to help you locate financial assistance resources that may be available. Please contact us at 1-800-227-2345 or through our website chat service on www.cancer.org so we can help. Our cancer information specialists will be available to help you at any time of the day via phone, and Monday – Friday from 8 AM – 6:30 PM CST on chat.

    Best regards,


    CSN Support Team