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vgirl41vb Member Posts: 1 Member

I have a strong familiy history of breast cancer. My mother and her mother both had breast cancer. My grandmother had both of her breast removed and did not receive treatment because of her age. She passed away not from the cancer but from dementia. My mother was diagnosed in 2021 and was in remission last year. But it came back very aggressive and spread to her entire body. I lost my mother to triple negative breast cancer on April 20th of this year. I had my first mammogram last year and had a biopsy done but it came back negative. Well I went for a breast MRI last Friday and they have found a suspicous mass in the same breast where my chip is. So I am going for a MRI biopsy next month. I am really praying for good results. I tried to do the genetic testing but since my family members got the diagnosis after menopause my insurance would not pay for it.


  • BeeRob
    BeeRob Member Posts: 9 Member

    I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. And I'm so sorry you have to get MRI guided breast biopsies! :( I never realized there was such an uncomfortable medical procedure we could experience.

    I had one spot of cancer and other spots throughout both breasts the doctors wanted to check with MRI guided biopsies. Those other spots turned out to be negative. A doctor friend of mine feels that MRIs just pick up too much and we worry when it's nothing. But if there's something going on, we want to know!!

    I'm not sure how to encourage you to stay's very hard. I try to start my day with some quiet God (& coffee) time to set myself up for a good day.