Has anyone had the "WHIPPLE " (PPPD) procedure completed?

Jayda777 Member Posts: 2 Member
edited July 2023 in Pancreatic Cancer #1

Hello, My name is Jayda. I'm a 26 year old MBA student who works full time. My mother, who is 54 years old, is currently lying next to me at North Side Hospital in GA and has completed the CT, MRI, and MRCP scan. For the past week she is showing all the positive symptoms of pancreatic cancer. Grey stools, dark urine, itch skin, compress bile duct, yellow sclera( eyes) and light bruising around her legs. My mom went to the doctor Saturday morning for blood work because I asked her to go to urgent care because she looked sick and her eyes were extremely yellow... Then she had a follow up appointment Monday morning with her primary doctor, and they immediately sent her to the ER to get admitted into the hospital. All the doctors we have spoken to think it's pancreatic cancer, but we are hoping for the best and the mass to be tested and removed. The mass is at the HEAD Of PANCREAS about a inch long. But she has to be transported to another hospital on Thursday July 13, 2023 because it has to be a specialized doctor to do the surgery to even test and confirm it's cancer and the stage. Has anyone had the "WHIPPLE " (PPPD) procedure completed? won't have the results until next week. I’m so scared and shaking while typing this! I don't want to lose my best friend. I love her much she my world. Please keep my family in your prayers and advice would be greatly appreciated, 🙏💕 Please and Thank you! I am seeking information or support to help me as a caregiver


  • Jayda777
    Jayda777 Member Posts: 2 Member

    Momma’s Neutrophil’s white blood cells are low. This morning 2.5 and the normal is 5.0. She’s more prone to catch a virus or another illness, which we want to avoid before and after surgery. We are required to wear a mask in public, and the doctors and nurses are wearing a mask in the hospital when they enter. She hasn't we through any chemo and her liver level are slowly improving.  The doctors haven't discussed treatment yet. Any reason why her Neutrophil’s white blood cells are low? & how to increase them before surgery tomorrow?

  • Daffodil65
    Daffodil65 Member Posts: 19 Member

    Hi Jayda,

    My husband has pancreatic cancer and is going through chemotherapy. He has had 3 biopsies that confirm pancreatic adenocarcinoma and they did not find any genetic mutations that suggest an immunotherapy treatment that would work for him. His tumor is in the head of the pancreas and it is surrounding two major blood vessels, so they can't remove it.

    There have been several times when his neutrophils were not high enough for him to receive chemo treatments so they gave him a shot of filgrastim... a medication that stimulates blood cell production in the bone marrow. However, I don't know if this treatment would be an option for your mother. I hope that she was able to have her surgery... I'm assuming that this is a biopsy to confirm the type of tumor? I'll try to check back... I do notice that this forum is not super active.

    Hoping for a good outcome for your mother.

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member

    Hi Jayda

    my husband had the whipple procedure. After several biopsies that came back inconclusive it was confirmed he had pancreatic cancer. They did the whipple procedure laparoscopically. It took a little longer but it was successfully completely. A year later we went to Italy for a vacation.

    my husband too was yellow. At first we thought he had hepatitis.

    i hope when you are reading this your mother has recovered from her surgery