Ashamed but need financial help

gjones29301 Member Posts: 2 Member
edited July 2023 in Colorectal Cancer #1

I was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer last year. I had surgery where the cancerous portion of my colon was removed. I have had very little health or physical complications since. I honestly feel ashamed posting this because of the many here that undergoing pain and other complications. My problem or challenge is purely financial. After my surgery, I have been unable to find employment. It has been financially devastating. I lost my vehicle and became homeless. I am currently waiting for a room at an emergency housing organization. I have applied for jobs and continue to do so. I'm not lazy and I don't mind working any job. If anyone else is or has a similar challenge, please let me know


  • CSNSupportTeam
    CSNSupportTeam admin Posts: 236

    Hello gjones,

    My name is Anne and I'm a member of the CSN website support team. I'm sorry to hear you are going through such a difficult time since your cancer diagnosis. The American Cancer Society understands that cancer can be an overwhelming financial challenge, but we are here to help you locate assistance. Please contact us at 1-800-227-2345 or through our website chat service on so we can help you find programs that may be available to help cancer patients. Our cancer information specialists will be available to help you at any time of the day via phone, and Monday – Friday from 8 AM – 6:30 PM CST on chat.

    Best regards,


    CSN Website Support Team

  • MarieAnne
    MarieAnne Member Posts: 3 Member

    I’m in your position as well I have Medicaid as I’m only 60 so it will be 2 years before I can collect SS and I cannot work as I have arthritis in both knees and it’s real recent so SS won’t recognize it so I have 0 money … a friend has let me stay there but with now facing this unknown possible cancer situation I don’t know where I could go to recouperate I’m scared have no family and I’m alone no friends as I’ve moved /travelled around for years and just lost touch now when I need friends and family I have none…. Can I hear some encouragement because if I don’t get out of this negative headspace I think I may make some life altering choices which anyone facing a heavy diagnosis knows what I’m saying

  • gjones29301
    gjones29301 Member Posts: 2 Member


    I'm sorry to hear you're in the negative headspace. I will gladly talk with you and offer if nothing else an ear just to listen. I know what it's like to be in that negative space. A year ago, I was angry at and anyone who got near me. I thought the world owed me because I had cancer. I started stealing from stores and selling the merchandise and justifying it by yelling I've got cancer, but I was wrong. I ended up spending a month in jail for my stupidity. During this time and after, I was introduced to 4 people that changed my outlook. I recently got a part time job and I have started a business opportunity that could possibly benefit you. What I want you to know is there is hope no matter how dark it gets. I know it's hard to hear that and believe it. Please reply back. I would like to know more about what's going on with you