Hospitalized again, colorectal cancer IV met bones ( sacro and femur)

koalamom Member Posts: 8 Member
edited June 2023 in Colorectal Cancer #1

I am a caregiver looking for guidance, Adenocarcinoma was diagnosed late January this year, my husband was in extreme pain and found out about cancer when he got some hemorrhoids removed.

Since then, it has been struggle after struggle, he got some chemo sessions and then stopped because he got covid and while at the hospital they found metastasis in bones and possibly lungs( sacro and femur) the cancer or the chemo blocked some nerves and can barely move his legs without assistance, while sitting down there is also discomfort and pain, he was prescribed some painkillers that makes him feel also nauseous and then can not eat.

this week, he started a new chemo protocol mFolfox + bevacizumab , with a 48hours of continuous infusion at home. today, we got back to remove the device and turns out his heart rate is above 140 we were sent to the ER and .... I thought that since he is young (39y) he would fight this cancer more easily, maybe try to have a little bit of a normal life while doing it. I see people's post talking about working or enjoying life while going through the process and then I look at him and sometimes he can not even speak, he is in so much pain and I had very high hopes with this new chemo, but if he can not tolerate the first round out of 12 I do not know what to hope anymore.

we have 2 daughters and I know he is fighting for them but is it worth all this suffering?


  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member

    I have nothing to offer other than sympathy for your very tough situation. Chemo can be very successful for some people, but often takes a lot of fine-tuning along the way. Doses can be adjusted and medications can be switched. We all react differently to the treatments. It sounds like things are overwhelming, but perhaps by taking things minute by minute and day by day, you can get through this and to a brighter future.

  • tanstaafl
    tanstaafl Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    edited June 2023 #3

    Reading a lot, and working with MD+ND, we found powerful doses of nutraceuticals could reduce or eliminate a lot of cancer and chemo related suffering.