‘Just never give up’: message from a cancer survivor "(NEGU) Never Ever Give Up"

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member
edited May 2023 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hello, everyone. The following video shows the reason we always say on here--------

"(NEGU) Never Ever Give Up"

I would like to share with you a short video of an amazing story of this woman who conquered cancer and beating the odds even though she was given only a 5 percent chance of living 5 years.

This is why she says at the end of the video--- "JUST NEVER GIVE UP"

She is not an H&N cancer story but had Sarcoma and aggressive malignant cancer. I just think her story is inspiring to anyone fighting any kind of cancer.

This is an amazing survival story of 2 years treatment of surgeries, chemo, and radiation.

Her positive attitude, loving and supportive husband, and outstanding care team all worked together to make this possible--enjoy.

Take Care, God Bless-Russ


  • Diogenese
    Diogenese Member Posts: 13 Member

    Very inspirational Drea. Thank you !

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

    Diogenese, so glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for your comment.

    Take Care, God Bless-Russ