Biopsy results

willie49 Member Posts: 14 Member
edited July 2023 in Prostate Cancer #1

Hello, Biopsy result shows 3 tumors, two are 3x3, and one is 3x4 for a total gleason score of 7. The report also says that cribriform pattern 4 was identified focally. A quick google search suggests that cribriform presence isn't a good thing, anyone have a similar? See the surgeon tomorrow for discussion on results. Thank you.


  • kuching
    kuching Member Posts: 9 Member

    Wow life has a way of waking us up, doesn’t it? What is your PSA, age, any family incidences? Then let’s talk more

  • willie49
    willie49 Member Posts: 14 Member

    It certainly does! See surgeon today to discuss biopsy results. Been on AS for 6 years with a gleason 6. PSA 6 months ago was 12.6. Given the move to a gleason 7 and this cribriform presence, my days of AS may be soon over.

    I'm 56, no family history.

    Thank you for responding!

  • kuching
    kuching Member Posts: 9 Member

    Looks like that. With that PSA, and increasing Gleason, suggest caution. You don’t want it to metastasize. Assume you’ll get an MRI now? Bone scan? That was helpful in my case.

  • willie49
    willie49 Member Posts: 14 Member

    Really appreciate you responding. On my list of questions are MRI and bone scan. May I ask if you've had surgery and what your levels were at the time?

  • kuching
    kuching Member Posts: 9 Member
    edited May 2023 #6

    PSA went from 3.6 to 10.6 in six months. Had the needle biopsy 12 samples in January. Gleason 4+4 in 3 samples, higher on left side. Urologist set up MRI tailored for prostate specifically, & bone scan with the injection/IV.

    Interviewed radiologist and surgeon.

    Results negative on bone scan (thankfully) and appeared contained on MRI. Slight ‘capsular abutment’ on left side.

    for me, getting it out made the most sense. Had RALP on 4 April. Just one night in hospital. Two months in, and recovering nicely.

    next big step will be the PSA test in July.

  • willie49
    willie49 Member Posts: 14 Member

    Thank you for sharing. Glad to hear your recovery is going well. Some big decisions ahead based on the outcome of the discussion today. Part of me just wants it out so I can stop worrying about it!!

  • centralPA
    centralPA Member Posts: 321 Member

    Sorry to hear your PCa is progressing, sounds like you had a good ride on AS, though.

    An MRI following a biopsy can show a bunch of artifacts from the biopsy where they shanked it 12 times. Annoying to me that they didn’t scan it first. Had you had an MRI before?

    As far as stopping worrying about it following removal, I think you’ll be waiting for those micro PSA test results with just as much excitement as you do now.

  • kuching
    kuching Member Posts: 9 Member

    well the progression here is usually to do the biopsy first. The optimist was thinking it’d be benign. ☺️

    here is how they described on MRI result

    Hyperintense T1 signal in the peripheral zone, likely blood products on previous prostate biopsy. PI-RADS 5

    They still had plenty to go on for that RADS-5: Very High (clinically significant cancer is highly likely to be present)

    yep pins and needles until get that low number back!

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 605 Member

    I saw this and I thought I would chime in six years ago I was also diagnosed 3+4 my PSA rose from 4.22 about 7.6. That was over a six year period . In between those years I had 2 painful biopsies. Unfortunately, the urologist I was seeing who I thought was good was horrible. He should’ve sent me for MRI when it came time for the third one. I went to see a specialist after the third biopsy is when they found cancer then they had it sent out for testing and it came back as. Cribiform ..after being confusing from see to many doctors, I chose to have radiation treatment with the breakytherapy booster. Everything was good for about five years and then the last nine months my PSA has been rising slowly, though it had dropped from down to 0.8 now it is up to 1.7. In nine months. Needless to say they wasted no time sent me for a PET scan and it came back, showing a lesion in the prostrate, which is a good sign but I’m having a reoccurrence. I don’t know what options i have now having surgery after radiation is risky but that’s a chance I take for the decision I made I just hope to God I don’t have to be put on hormone treatment, there are three steps to prostrate cancer one surgery hopefully get cured if not then radiation. or a second chance at a cure Hopefully that will really cure it in a last resort would be hormone treatments so I can give you some advice. You find a very good surgeon that has done at least 2000 of the surgeries and then hopefully you’ll be fine. By the way I was 56 when I got diagnosed six years ago good luck and God bless you.