Memorial Day May 29, 2023 We Honor and Remember our Fallen

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member
edited May 2023 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Monday the 29th is Memorial Day, a day set aside to honor our country's servicemen and women who died in service to our country and who gave their all. These are the ones who gave their lives for their country-their last full measure. They deserve no less than the highest honor and respect.

Participate in the National Moment of Silence at 3 PM local time on Memorial Day. Pause for at least one minute where ever you are. Use this time to remember and honor those who have died in the armed services.

All Gave Some-Some Gave All”

Today, we remember those who sacrificed so we could live in freedom. This Memorial Day, we're thankful for those who gave their lives while serving. And we're thinking of those who have lost someone they love. Thank you for your sacrifice.

All Gave Some-Some Gave All”

On Memorial Day you can honor the fallen by attending memorial services within your community or laying flowers and planting flags on graves at your local Veterans cemetery.

Memorial Day: Honoring Those Who Died in Military Service

Memorial Day, which is celebrated on the last Monday in May, honors service members who have died in military service to the nation. The holiday has roots dating back to the post-Civil War era when citizens would informally place spring flower memorials on the graves of fallen soldiers.

Simple Ways to Show Gratitude

Participate in the National Moment of Silence at 3 PM local time on Memorial Day. Pause for at least one minute where ever you are. Use this time to remember and honor those who have died in the armed services. Many cemeteries need volunteers to place flags on military graves.

How do you pay respect for Memorial Day?

Pay respects to the deceased by visiting a cemetery where relatives and friends might be interred, but don't be shy about expressing awe over the number of small flags that will be flying on the graves of those who served this country in one of the military branches and who perhaps died while in this nation's service.


"Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it." –Unknown

"For the love of country they accepted death, and thus resolved all doubts, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue." –James A. Garfield

"This is the day we pay homage to all those who didn't come home. This is not Veterans Day, it's not a celebration, it is a day of solemn contemplation over the cost of freedom." –Tamra Bolton

"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God such men lived." –George S. Patton

"We don't know them all, but we owe them all." –Unknown

"Memorial Day: celebrate, honor, remember." –Unknown

"The patriot's blood is the seed of freedom's tree." –Thomas Campbell

"In the aftermath, we are because they were." –RJ Heller

"On this day, take time to remember those who have fallen. But on every day after, do more; put the freedoms they died for to greater and nobler uses." –Richelle E. Goodrich

"Their remembrance be as lasting as the land they honored." –Daniel Webster

"May we never forget freedom isn't free." –Unknown

So we honor, remember, we mourn and we miss those that gave the last full measure this Memorial Day.

For those on this discussion board who have family members or friends who died serving our country, I extend to you our deepest condolences and pray for God to give you comfort, strength, and peace as you remember your friends and loved ones this memorial day.

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life.

Take Care, God Bless-Russ