Reflections And Comfort, Hope And Help For People With Cancer

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,482 Member

Hello everyone. I would just like to point you to a video made by a filmmaker Ken Curtis that came down with cancer. As with all of us, it shows up unexpectedly. But instead of being upset he had cancer, instead, he used it to make a film to help others in a cancer situation. I hope many find the strength, comfort and hope they need in this film I know it was a Blessing to me.

Take Care, God Bless-Russ

Ken’s life changed abruptly in December of 2002. He explained, “2002 was one of the best in my life, and I expected 2003 would be even better. And maybe it was better, but not in the way I could have ever imagined, and surely not in a way I would have chosen.” Before a scheduled knee surgery, he had preliminary testing done and his X-rays reports came back with a possibility of lung cancer.

At the time of his cancer diagnosis, Ken was given less than a year to live by some doctors, but Ken’s reaction was to allow the disease to take him into new avenues of service and ministry he never would have supposed imaginable.

After a few years, “my son, Bill, who was now running our film company, said that I should consider going to Israel and videotaping a video series on the 23rd Psalm. After telling the story of others for decades, I am thrust into a new arena where the opportunity is given to tell my own story. But, what are my qualifications? I am struck with cancer. It is advanced with little prospect for survival. And my calling is to take material I have taught in the past and apply it to the life of the cancer patient. The Psalm 23 Reflection series is born.”

Ken Says--

After fighting cancer for over eight years, Ken says, “I have been privileged to live an unusually full life. I have had extraordinary blessings, travels, opportunities, ministries, freedom, and honors, so, in all honesty, I do not feel like I can in good conscience ask for more. I am content to leave it in God’s hands. I am a servant of a faithful master whom I trust more than I trust myself. Surely goodness and mercy have followed me and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

Ken Curtis Quotes

One day I woke up dreaming about going back to the time before I had cancer.

And then I realized I did not have to give cancer more than it’s due.

Because cancer’s like a wicked thief that broke into my house to find money,

jewelry, and other valuables.

But that thief misses so much.

My books, my pictures, my written journals in which I preserve cherished reflections,

these the thief leaves untouched.

They’re some of the most precious valuables.

And I came to realize that there are things in life that cancer simply cannot reach.

Maybe it can ravage the body, but it has no claim on the soul.

Ken Curtis

And this is the place I’d like to say how appreciative I am for a man who showed me

that goodness and love does follow us.

He could have looked at things differently, he could have become very bitter.

His uncle had saved up to put him through college, but as a youth he thought he knew it all.

He left school when he was 14, and later went back to school nights and self-educated himself.

He was fortunate to get a good woman for a wife, but they lost their first child Billy

when he was only 8 years old when he got hit by a New York to Boston express train.

Then in her prime his wife died a prolonged death from cancer.

To pay for the medical bills he got involved in a business that went broke.

And then he lost a second wife to cancer, and I could go on and on.

He did end up as an officer in a major corporation and did work until his mid eighties.

But the setbacks that he experienced never made him cynical.

Every single day of his adult life he began on his knees giving thanks to God.

In the midst of all that life threw at him he still knew and found that goodness and love

followed him.

And I know this is all true because that man was my father.

Ken Curtis