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  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 516 Member

    Good to hear the bugger is out, and now just focus on the recovery, and don't push too hard!

    I wish you the most boring pathology report! Take care!

  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member

    Hi dreamfinder, hope your recovery is still going well. I also hope that you had good info from the report after surgery.

  • UncleJawnsBand
    UncleJawnsBand Member Posts: 4 Member

    I'm glad the surgery went well - I had mine on 1/26 (left kidney). I was out of work for about a month (seriously, I work from home and could have gone back after two weeks, but whatever). I was cancer free post-surgery. The hardest immediate impact for me post op was energy levels...I was exhausted all the damn time for about two months and then one day I noticed I wasn't tired anymore.

    For me, the worst part of the cancer diagnosis, surgery, recovery was the stent they had to place in order to get rid of a very small stone in my surviving kidney...three weeks of hell...but it's out, the stent is out, and I'm good to go. Hope you are too.

    I have a follow up scan in July,

    Good luck!