Still losing weight from Esophageal Cancer.

tlmichel48 Member Posts: 2 Member
edited June 2023 in Esophageal Cancer #1

My husband age 74 was diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma Cancer in May, 2022 after choking on food while on vacation. His treatment was 23 sets of radiation, 5 chemotherapy followed by a 13 hour Esophagectomy with Thoracic Esophagogastrostomy Creation. He was told after the surgery that the radiation/chemotherapy had removed his tumor. My question now is that he is losing weight and seems to continue losing it. He was at 205 (5'6") prior to any treatment. He is now at 167. He has been taking protein shakes such as Premier Protein, eating small meals and doing some exercise but I am getting worried. Any diet tips? Also, is this normal? It is 5 months post surgery.



  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member

    Hi TLM,

    Weight loss after esophagectomy is very normal. I was 5' 5" and weighed 150 lbs. prior to my diagnosis. After surgery I weighed 115 lbs. and it took me almost a year to gain an additional 10 lbs. My "new normal" weight is around 125 lbs. I eat 6 small meals a day but it is difficult for me to gain weight. It does sound like your husbands progress is very normal for an esophagectomy survivor.

    In terms of diet tips. I pretty much eat the same diet I always ate. Just smaller portions and more frequent meals.

  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member

    Also TLM, a suggestion. This forum does not get a lot of activity in terms of postings. I would suggest you post your question in the esophageal cancer section of the "Smart Patients" web site at . That site has many more esophageal cancer survivors and is much more interactive.

  • tlmichel48
    tlmichel48 Member Posts: 2 Member

    Thank you for the information. You have been very helpful. I will check out the link that you sent.

    Best of Luck to you.

  • mardigras
    mardigras Member Posts: 215 Member

    Hello TLM,

    It is extremely difficult to gain weight after this operation. My husband was a real tubby before his diagnosis, but a slim Jim now, His weight seems to have stabilised at 156 lbs and he is 5ft9inches . He eats pretty much what he wants and has occasional dumping through overeating. He is always looking to gain a bit more weight and eats lots of smooth peanut butter and I make watercress soup three times a week for the iron which he is always a bit short on. He didn’t like the protein drinks, but I bought glutamate powder and added it to smoothies. Try not to worry as it is pretty normal not to put on weight, but bag the doctor if you get concerned. Best of luck. Hugs Marci

  • melisamayville
    melisamayville Member Posts: 2 Member

    My husband lost about 20 lbs after his procedure. Has gained about 5 lbs back at 5 months post op. He takes every opportunity to boost calories. Full fat yogurt, adds protein powder to things. Skips bread most of the time in favor of more nutritionally dense food (especially protein). All food is planned to be high calorie as possible. Snacks are nuts, peanut butter on stuff, high calorie protein bars. He eats 5 times a day. Also HATES the protein shakes so we don't do those any more in favor of actual food. His doctor really pushed the shakes, but hubby found they gave his diarrhea, upset stomach and the yuckies.