Any treatment for Chromophobe cancer?

MarvMark Member Posts: 1 Member
edited February 2023 in Kidney Cancer #1

I recently had kidney and tumor removed, with confirmation of Chromophobe cancer.

The conventional medical opinion is to watch n wait to see if cancer re-appears. But is anyone's doctor treating their cancer?

The literature is unclear if there is no accepted treatment because: 1) the sample size of Chromophobe patients is too small (not worthy or easy for controlled medical study) ; or 2) the chromophobe cancer is so slow that it is just not responsive to any known or theoretical treatment.



  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member

    I’m a fellow “chromie”. 2016 robotic partial, 1.8cm at the time of removal. Per my urologic oncologist and my surgeon, chromophobe RCC is “cured” 99+% of the time through surgery; no additional treatment is needed. I did have scans every six months for the first year and annual scans for four years more, as well as an annual chest X-ray to verify nothing had returned. And while I’m officially off the scan regiment, I’ve asked my primary care physician to refer me every couple of years for scans and an X-ray, just to be conservative. The urologic oncologist and surgeon both assured me that chromophobe RCC is slow growing, rarely, if ever, spreads and rarely, if ever, returns.