Blackheads after breast cancer radiation

bratcher748 Member Posts: 1 Member
edited February 2023 in Breast Cancer #1

I recently started to see pores on my chest that looked like blackheads.. After having radiation. Around the same time(not sure which I realized first)I noticed my breasts were super smooth feeling. I realized right away that they became hairless!! That’s why they felt so smooth.. But the blackheads are bothering me. Just in appearance. It makes sense that since those hairs are now gone they can’t impede stuff wanting to enter the pores- or follicle pores.. idk. And maybe the dying of those hairs sting created a mess within my pores.

Anyway- I guess I’m just trying to understand my weird body. Lol Would love to hear any input on this area. Also- thinking of getting breast reconstruction surgery after bilateral lumpectomies. I’m 48 and my small boobs only had a small area but on both breasts. I wonder if my insurance would pay for reconstructive surgery. Also my husband acts like if I got my boobs fixed he would suspect me of using him to lure another man.. lol for real. Dealing with an unstable marriage while trying to cope with cancer emotionally and all the pretty extreme treatments that you have to do.. it’s been hard. Not gonna lie about it. Anyway- I may not ever use this site again. I wanted to try venting about my emotional struggles.