newly diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma

MzButtons Member Posts: 3 Member
edited January 2023 in Breast Cancer #1

i'm a 50 year female, newly diagnosed. looking for information or others who were diagnosed with the same or similar cancer.


  • sandleon
    sandleon Member Posts: 1 Member

    I was diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma in 2021 at age 45. Had a double mastectomy and I’m on tamoxifen now. Wishing you strength in your journey.

  • MARY9H
    MARY9H Member Posts: 2 Member

    I was diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma in Nov 2022 at age 73. After the biopsy, I was told they always do an MRI since lobular carcinoma is difficult to see in a mammogram with dense breasts. The MRI found a small 2nd site, so I had an MRI-guided biopsy - same cancer. I underwent a lumpectomy/partial mastectomy on Jan. 12th and am awaiting biopsy results. I wish you well on your path. Stay positive.

  • Annie966
    Annie966 Member Posts: 2 Member

    I was just diagnosed with ILC and am beside myself. I have to get an MRI I’ve already had core biopsy now am awaiting to see the surgeon in 3 weeks. I’m 67 years old just retired and scared., I would love some feed back as to what to expect and how you have made it through your journey. I really need some advice how to get thru these 3 weeks till I see the surgeon. The waiting is so hard. I’m fine with whatever they tell me to fo it’s just the waiting and fear of not knowing. Some advice please. Piece of mind and sleep would be welcomed. Thanks

  • Annie966
    Annie966 Member Posts: 2 Member

    I feel like I am going through the same path you are. I am at the beginning of my journey. Getting an mri next week then meet my surgeon. Please let me know how yours turns out. Lumpectomy or mastectomy . Best of luck sending prayers

  • MzButtons
    MzButtons Member Posts: 3 Member

    Yes love the waiting part is the worst. I finally had my surgery on Jan 18th. I had a lumpectomy with 2 lymph nodes removed. Recovery has been good. I go for my follow up on the February 3rd.

  • MARY9H
    MARY9H Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hi Annie966, I think the waiting is the worst part. I met with my surgeon before the MRI - guess different healthcare systems handle things differently. I had a lumpectomy Jan. 12. I had a little discomfort from the surgery - about the same as the biospies and less than I expected.

    The Path results came out Jan. 18. The sentinel lymph nodes were clear, but there was a small node of precancerous cells in the margin, so my surgeon is going back into the same incision on Feb. 9. Hopefully that will come back clear.

    The original plan was for Radiation following the lumpectomy. I expect that to hold, but we will see.

    I am planning to beat this. I have a great medical team and supportive friends. I wish you well.

  • Faith Helen
    Faith Helen Member Posts: 21 Member

    I so understand. I was diagnosed with IDC in 2016, not ILC, but the best advice I can give is to find your own, personal soothing...when I've been in these waiting/scared periods (in one now - waiting for report after a lung CT) I walk, drink chamomile tea and try to remind myself that I am ok right now. Smart of you to be getting support! I've avoided talking about it very much and am realizing now - after almost 7 years with stessful time along the road - I need to talk to people going through it! Try to focus on doing what's in your control, that's helped me cope. Nutrition has such a role. Peace and sleep!!