New Merkel diagnosis

Merkel Member Posts: 1 *
edited December 2022 in Emotional Support #1

Hi everyone,

It sucks to even be on this website. I just found out my dad was diagnosed with Merkel cancel. His PET scan and surgery aren't scheduled until January 7th so we won't know anything for several weeks. I'm somewhere between shock, panic, feeling like i'm going to vomit, all the feelings i'm sure everyone on here has felt a million times. It just seems crazy coming out of my mouth. Like it's not real. Like there's no way this can be real. I don't know even know what I'm asking for because we don't have any information yet. I just believe community helps with everything, so figured this was a place to start. Thank you, and I'm you're reading this because that means you're also personally fighting or know someone who is. Screw cancer.