Frustrated and Depressed

Marko10_10 Member Posts: 2 Member
edited February 2023 in Prostate Cancer #1

I was diagnosed with prostate Ca in 2020. I had a radical prostatectomy, radiation and hormone therapy. I have not been able to have relations with my wife since my surgery. Mechanical and chemical agents don't work very well. I am very frustrated and depressed at not being able to achieve an erection. I am considering stopping my LEUPROLIDE injections to see if my testosterone rebounds and I can return to some semblance of normal. I just feel dead inside. Has anyone stopped their hormone therapy and had a return of sexual desire and erections? My doctor's response when I tried to talk to him about it was "what do you expect, you are chemically castrated, get used to it. GRRRRRRR!


  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,541 Member

    Were you prescribed life-long 'hormone therapy' or are you close to the end of a 2-year regimen?

    PS: your doc seems to be failing in the compassion department...

  • Swingshiftworker
    Swingshiftworker Member Posts: 1,017 Member

    Have you considered a penile implant?

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,222 Member


    It would make sense that if you stop your ADT medications your testosterone should come back to some level. Would that help your case, I don’t think anyone has the answer to that one. Your lack of irrections could be from your ADT ,surgery, or a combination of both. If you do stop ADT keep an eye on your PSA reading so they don’t start climbing. If you don’t recover your mojo after you stop ADT you might want to consider what Swingshift worker suggested. It sounds like Leuprolide is only used for months at a time from what I have read. I have included a link on your medication. Good luck, don't give up.

    Dave 3+4

  • Buff1977
    Buff1977 Member Posts: 10 Member

    The ADT has taken away your testosterone, thus your sex drive. This is probably the main problem in getting an erection and keeping it. Have you tried Viagra or a similar type of drug ? I would be interested in finding out if any of these drugs would help the situation. I have similar issues. Thanks


  • Marko10_10
    Marko10_10 Member Posts: 2 Member

    I have been taking Sildenafil every other day for "penile rehab" since my surgery 2 years ago. It is not doing anything. I am 9 months out since my last Leuprolide injection and I am scheduled for a PSA test and a Testosterone test next month. I am hoping to see my "T" level rising and my PSA remaining negligible.


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,717 Member


    I do not know the details of your initial diagnosis and treatment protocol but I believe that you can stop ADT after six month on drugs.

    In any case, your return to a “suitable natural” status may take 4 months post the end of the effectiveness of the drugs.

    Good luck.


  • MK1965
    MK1965 Member Posts: 233 Member


    As you state, you had RP surgery 2+ years ago with additional ADT for several months.

    Most likely, your erectile recovery is past due and you did some rehab with no success.

    It happened to me too. I highly recommend IPP and i would start planning it accordingly.

    Please, save your precious time.


  • Deadstick
    Deadstick Member Posts: 7 Member


    "My doctor's response when I tried to talk to him about it was "what do you expect, you are chemically castrated, get used to it."

    That just about says it all....with that attitude, get a different urologist. Your urologist should have discussed penile rehab a long time ago. If he/she won't talk about about it to you, that's another red flag. You could ask to see a sexual medicine specialist for help.

    Your condition is common after prostate cancer treatment, regardless of "nerve sparing" procedures. Since you have also had radiation and are on ADT (androgen deprivation therapy), achieving an erection will be very difficult. You will also lose your natural noctural erections as well. PDE-5 inhibitors such as Viagra, Cialis, Stendra, are typically ineffective. You can try a penile vacuum pump to help keep blood flowing to your penis to help reduce atrophy (important).

    You deserve better support than you are are getting. Stopping the ADT may help but it could take months, sometimes years to recover your testosterone to an acceptable level. Hopefully, you are also getting Dexa scans to monitor your bone health as well.

    I found that I had to take total charge of my health after prostate cancer. Good luck to you!

    Here is a link to some videos you may find interesting:

  • Deadstick
    Deadstick Member Posts: 7 Member


    "My doctor's response when I tried to talk to him about it was "what do you expect, you are chemically castrated, get used to it."

    That just about says it all....with that attitude, get a different urologist. Your urologist should have discussed penile rehab a long time ago. If he/she won't talk about about it to you, that's another red flag. You could ask to see a sexual medicine specialist for help.

    Your condition is common after prostate cancer treatment, regardless of "nerve sparing" procedures. Since you have also had radiation and are on ADT (androgen deprivation therapy), achieving an erection will be very difficult. You will also lose your natural noctural erections as well. PDE-5 inhibitors such as Viagra, Cialis, Stendra, are typically ineffective. You can try a penile vacuum pump to help keep blood flowing to your penis to help reduce atrophy (important).

    You deserve better support than you are are getting. Stopping the ADT may help but it could take months, sometimes years to recover your testosterone to an acceptable level. Hopefully, you are also getting Dexa scans to monitor your bone health as well.

    I found that I had to take total charge of my health after prostate cancer. Good luck to you!

    Here is a link to some videos you may find interesting: