Worried About Enlarged Lymph Nodes And Other Symptoms



  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member

    I have been thinking about your situation and in my non professional opinion things just don’t add up. I am not a doctor so this is my opinion only.

    1). Cancerous lymph nodes are generally painless. Yours seem to hurt.

    2). Your small but still enlarged nodes are typical of parasitic infections. Have you been tested for toxoplasmosis? Might be a good idea especially if you are around cats. I had toxo as a child and my nodes were swollen for months and were very tender. Back then it was treated with sulfa drugs.

    3). keep after your doctors till you get a diagnosis.

  • Duck03
    Duck03 Member Posts: 11 Member

    Yes, mine are painful. I honestly don’t know, or even think, that it’s cancer. If it was, I feel like I’d be in an even worse spot health wise. I have not been around cats since I was in high school, which was a long time ago. At this point I’m taking a look at thyroid issues, which I had asked my doctor about previously but they only wanted to do the T3 and T4 tests instead of antibodies even though I have a family history of diseased thyroid (Hashimoto’s). I just did some blood work today for it and have an ultrasound scheduled to double check my lymph node sizes. I also looked back at blood work and found that I had 2 tests in 2018 and 2019 come back borderline for Lupus, but then came back negative in 2020. I’m going to search for a third rheumatologist to see what they think. Hopefully I get answers soon. I have recently developed what my doctor thinks is Vertigo but we’re unsure why it’s started. We thought it was due to leftover liquid in my ears after an ear infection but it’s been a month and a half since that already. If it doesn’t get better in a week I’ll be following up with an ENT.

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member

    “When I look back on all these worries, I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which had never happened.” – Winston Churchill

    Good luck in your efforts.