Post RALRP incontenance

DDrose Member Posts: 2 Member
edited August 2022 in Prostate Cancer #1

New member here - I am a young and very active 73 year old. I had my RALRP in Rochester NY on 12/14/2021. That year 5 of my friends were diagnosed with PC. I did my research and didn't wait. I went ahead with the surgery. Seminal Vesicles were removed with no margins involved. I will spare you the lack of information about what I could expect post surgery. Suffice it to say, my friends were the ones who told me how to clear my catheter at 2 am when I couldn't get any reasonable advice from my surgeon or the urology department. My best friend had his surgery in Boston. They not only told him how to clear the catheter but sent him home with some plastic syringes. I happened to have some new plastic glue syringes in my work shop that did the trick. I am sure we all have a story or two to tell. Having said all that, my first PSA test @ 3 months out was <0.02 and my 6 mo. teas was the same. Rhey must have done a reasonably good job...we shall see. Hoping that level continues with future tests. My question is this. My incontinence lingered for about 3 months post surgery before I got down to 1 small pad from 8 am to 10 pm and 1 pad over night while I slept. From months 4 -6 my daytime leaking was not bad. Pad was never saturated. The overnight pad was basically dry in the AM. The last 2 months (it is 8/19/2022) I am leaking again when I get off a stool or chair that puts pressure on my pelvic floor. I have been on and off my motorcycle and re-modeling my laundry room resulting in lots of down on the floor - up off the floor moves. Today was the first time I saturated a pad by 5pm and had to change pad, u-trow and pants. Has anyone else experienced this "gets better then gets worse" incontenence scenario? Any response would be appreciated. I generally am an "it is what it is" guy but this is a little disheartening. Look forward to hearing others experiences.


  • lighterwood67
    lighterwood67 Member Posts: 397 Member

    RP 2018; 67 years old at the time; PSA undetectable; fully continent; intimate with wife. I am assuming you do your kegels. Another thing that I did was to start and stop the flow; start and stop the flow; start and stop the flow. I am pretty sure all cleared up at the 4 to 6 month post surgery. Good luck on your journey.

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,266 Member


    Like Lighterwood said keep doing your kegals. I do mine every morning while lying in bed, do about 120 each day since I had my surgery back in 2014. The starting and stoping your flow does not sound like a bad exercise either.

    Dave 3+4

  • DDrose
    DDrose Member Posts: 2 Member

    Thank you both for your comments and congrats on your results. I have only been doing kegals twice a day so I will up that dramatically and see where it takes me. All the best to you both in the future.
