Long-term side effects of cobalt radiation therapy

ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member

Calisurvivor asks the following:

Where are all the long range side effect survivors of cobalt radiation? I was diagnosed with Hodgkins in the mid 60's in california. after a few cobalt radiation exposures i was clear and here i am now, however, the long range side effects are suddenly all catching up with me. Anyone find a doctor who knows about what to do about these side effects? stem cells? near infrared therapy? i am going downhill at an alarming rate and need help, but there are absolutely no doctors interested in researching options. any suggestions, anywhere in USA is ok, or the world for that matter. Thanks.


  • PBL
    PBL Member Posts: 371 Member


    There are some occasional appearances by long-term Hodgkin's survivors with late effects from treatments.

    You may also want to look at other areas of these forums, such as here:

    Really long term effects of cobalt radiation?

    KM25Dec 27, 2008

    Following the surgical removal of a medulla blastoma (base of brain), I received cobalt radiation treatment to kill any remaining errant cells. This happened 40 years ago. Since then, life for me has been fairly "unremarkable". During the past half dozen years however, I have slowly lost control over the coordination of my legs and sense of balance. Conversations with a neurosurgeon and a professor of neurology (UCSF) revealed that the most likely cause may be that adjacent, health neural cells also deteriorate about 40 years after being exposed to radiation.

    Anyone have similar or other symptoms after this many years?

    View Post

    It seems there are now such things as "Late effects clinics". I believe it may be worth your while to read through those posts. I hope you can find some answers and solutions to your current issues.

  • Chibblles
    Chibblles Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hi Calisurvivor,

    Sorry to hear about your experience with cobalt but you are not alone. Back in 1983 I had Hodgkin’s lymphoma stage IV. Many health problems and 4 more cancer diagnosis since then. I’ve been trying to find long term survivors and multiple cancer survivors but it’s been difficult.

    It would be great to connect with you and others.

  • Calisurvivor
    Calisurvivor Member Posts: 6 Member

    Thanks for the post. As you can see from the posts you recommend, they are all over ten years old. thus my query of 'where are all the cobalt radiation survivors?' I need to find some doctor(s) who are familiar with actual long range side effects and hopefully some solutions. As someone who posted ten years ago said 'we are forgotten' and 'we were the guinea pigs'. no interest probably because no money, no research, etc. calisurvivor

  • Calisurvivor
    Calisurvivor Member Posts: 6 Member

    Hello, it doesn't seem safe to give out private emails for the ability to connect with other survivors on this forum, as they do not have the ability for 'private reply'. i am hoping to find out if there are any doctors in the USA or elsewhere that have some serious solutions for the various long range side effects. Do you? thanks.

  • Chibblles
    Chibblles Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hi there,

    That was my first post on here. Did I mistakenly give out my email address on here?

    Have you tried Cancer Centers of America or City of Hope?