Advancing from infusions to pill

JanetRB4 Member Posts: 11 Member
edited July 2022 in Colorectal Cancer #1

First, just dropping in to say thanks to those who welcomed me to this group awhile back. To back up some, I had a cancerous colon tumor removed in 2019 along with part of the colon. Awhile later I was diagnosed with liver cancer (actually “colon cancer” due to the cancer metastasizing to the liver}. The prognosis was grim & I started on chemo right away. Fast forward to today after 12 treatments (every other week) – My last PET scan a few weeks ago showed that of the 7 lesions in my liver, 6 were totally gone – kaput!! The 7th one is there but smaller and “inactive.” Does anyone know what “inactive” means? It sounds so promising.

I have been released from infusion treatments and will start on the pill form of chemo in 3 weeks give or take. The possible side effects are extremely off-putting. Any comments (bad or good) from those of you who have taken this route? I am very anxious about it. Is it better/worse/the same as IV infusions? I was hoping it would free me up but if I suffer from the side effects listed, I won’t leave my house. Any advice/encouragement is appreciated!! And thanks to all of you!


  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member

    I assume the pill you refer to is capecitabine (Xeloda). If so, the reported side effects are no worse, and likely better than the infusions (way better if the infusions contained oxaliplatin). Additionally, with the pill, you can adjust the dose to deal with the side effects. Best of luck to you on your new course of treatment.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    Reactions to chemo are differ so much from one person to another, so it is hard to say how well you will do on the chemo pill.

    And yes, we don't call it Liver Cancer, as that is a completely different type of Cancer. It continues to be called Colon Cancer/Bowel Cancer/CRC whatever.

    I would say you test results do look 'promising'. Keep that in the forefront of you mind, as you move forward with the new treatment.

    I wish you the best, and few side effects.


  • JanetRB4
    JanetRB4 Member Posts: 11 Member

    I so appreciate your comments. I know I was overly concerned about side effects with infusions and never experienced anything too awful. Right now I'm just trying to gain back some weight (I was thin to begin with) which is a challenge!!! But I am so thrilled that my CEA # dropped so quickly (it's at 9) which surprised everyone so am hoping I continue along that route. Having support from people at this web site is a huge plus. Thanks!!

  • philmorry
    philmorry Member Posts: 1 *

    I was diagnosed with bowel cancer Oct 2021 had surgery to remove the tumor,then had pirt installed with 1 session of infusion .oncologist ran some tests then decided I'm more suited to capecitabine tablets which I've just completed 6 months of them. Side effects are feet and hand redness and fingertips numbing, irregular bowel movements and abdominal pains.appetite loss sleepless nights in my case...all in all manageable...started with 8 pills a day then was reduced to 4 each day. One month on had ct and blood tests awaiting results this week..port is still in and not in any rush to have it out till 100% clear..wishing you a safe journey with your treatment...stay positive and keep your mind busy....