R- Bendeka treatment

svence24 Member Posts: 11 Member

Hello all, trying to get some feedback on the treatment plan listed. I went through the 1st cycle and it’s need rough. Hospital twice and now I very apprehensive about cycle 2. Very anxious and borderline PTSD. Any advice you can offer would be so appreciated.



  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    edited July 2022 #2

    Life has changed, and suddenly. The unknown tends to frighten us. Yet, we are flexible, adaptable creatures, being able to roll with the changes. Instead of fearing treatment, make yourself an ally with the treatment against the malignant enemy. It is a war - a very personal and interior war - and decisions and actions which we would never do must be undertaken. All of this can be quite shocking. "B-R" as it is known, is a far less toxic drug regimen than so many drugs that went before it. I will not say that it is easy, but life itself is not easy. Even so, life is worth living and is worth fighting for.

    Sounds like you might be an anxious person (1 in 5 today are). Speak with nurse or doctor about your anxiety as it is 100% treatable. In fact, the gold standard in anxiety treatment is drug-free. The reason to ask doctor about this is that anxiety cannot help you, but "can" make things even worse. So, please consider asking doctor about this!

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member

    Accept your mortality and move on making every day count. It works, believe me.

  • svence24
    svence24 Member Posts: 11 Member

    Sage advice, agree with it all. The anxiety part I know is not going to help at all. I went into this round with a different set of expectations that I was mentally not prepared for. So that is the source of my challenge. Thanks for your words of advice and encouragement. We fight together.

  • svence24
    svence24 Member Posts: 11 Member

    I’m there… just need to continue to believe!

  • tgyphilly
    tgyphilly Member Posts: 49 Member

    That stinks Svence. I had four cycles of R-B last year. Everyone has a unique response to chemo -- what are the issues you're dealing with?

  • svence24
    svence24 Member Posts: 11 Member

    Tgyphilly- that’s for posting. Philly is my sons nickname!

    Dealing with fatigue with heavy chest and palpitations. Headaches chills. Normal chemo stuff. I also had started allergic reactions to the B but very delayed? Dr. Has never seen this before. I was due for my 2nd cycle but got that postponed as my white, red and platelets were so low. Plus I’m still getting small bursts of breakouts on my arms 4 weeks into the 1st cycle. Needless to say I’m down, angry and frustrated. But trying to keep it all in Gods hands. It you can share that would be great!

  • tgyphilly
    tgyphilly Member Posts: 49 Member
    edited July 2022 #8

    Sorry, that sounds difficult. Not sure if I would be able to offer you anything to assist better than your medical team would. My experience after going through different chemo and Rituxan protocols is that the nursing staff may be more knowledgeable than doctors about managing effects of treatment -- the nurses are with patients more and collect a lot more info from them on how side effects are best dealt with.

    With my B-R treatment, I found that the Neulasta had a bigger negative impact than the Bendamustine (Rituxan never caused problems for me). I assume you are on Nuelasta too -- have you been able to tease out side effects from that drug vs. the B-R? It's not always simple to determine what is causing what because they're all being administered at more or less the same time.

    This may also seem like very marginal and folky advice, but I do recommend trying to stay hydrated as best as possible. It's one thing I learned the hard way. It helps across multiple body systems to keep your fluids up.

  • svence24
    svence24 Member Posts: 11 Member

    Hello all, getting ready for treatment 4 but have a couple questions. It seems as though my energy goes up and down, and I feel my hemoglobin does as well. One day I’m fine and the next day, tired, chilled, headache, heavy chest, higher pulse.. does anyone have the same issues or felt with them during and after treatment was finished? Please comment! Thanks and sending blessings out to you all!

  • svence24
    svence24 Member Posts: 11 Member

    Just started 4th cycle! Hard to believe how quickly it’s passed. Wanted to get some feedback on blood counts as mine are not rising so well. Did anyone have the same experience? How do the side effects progress with treatments. Do they get worse, same or better? Any feedback from my partner survivors will be appreciated!
