Post Op Recovery Partial Robotic Nephrectomy & Aching, questions about post op bleeding

DancingBluebird Member Posts: 11 Member
edited June 2022 in Kidney Cancer #1

First, I am grateful for this network. Although each of our experiences are different, it is really helpful to get responses.

Fortunately, my biopsy showed an Oncocytoma. Although I was told the chances it would not be malignant was small. Dr said I had a 15% or less chance it would not be malignant. Surgeon was able to save 80% of the kidney & the margins were neg. I have had almost no pain. Off of Tylenol 4 days after surgery. Walking 1 -1 1/2 miles daily. Needless to say, this is a wonderful gift - all praise to Christ.

I am recovering very well but have a few questions to make sure I continue to do my part to stay the course.

  1. My biggest concern has been delayed bleeding. I recognize the chances are small based on what I have been told & read, but it is something I know may happen. Have any of you experienced this complication? If yes, did you have any "warning" prior to this happening? How long after your procedure did it occur? When it did occur, was the pain minor, major - other symptoms? The reason I am asking is I will be traveling (see Quest 3) & hope to avoid any problems.
  2. I am approx. 23 days out from surgery & on occasion have minor "aches" on the side where the partial was done. Nothing sharp, but noticeable. Obviously, more aware of any & all aches because of the surgery. If it wasn't for the surgery, I probably would disregard. Anyone else have these? If yes, for how long did you feel achy.
  3. I will have a trip around 7 weeks post-surgery. 1 1/2-hour flight & a certain amount of walking for 4 days away. Dr. said OK for travel & walking, but also said no lifting for 8-12 weeks (even though originally, I was told 6 weeks with no lifting). Anyone travel a few weeks after their surgery & how was it for you? Any challenges? Recommendations? I want to be smart about this, so I am open to comments.

Thanks in advance for responding.


  • Mmoses25
    Mmoses25 Member Posts: 322 Member

    I had a open partial neph I was in hospital four days went home was hurting a little but after a week return to work office job but I walked a lot to help me heal

  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 620 Member

    Hi bluebird sorry you get to join this club. I'm glad your surgery went well. I didn't have any post operative bleeding, I had a open full nephrectomy. I have had pain in the area where the kidney was removed - off and on to this day about 6 years later. But it is much less as time has passed. The body has been through a lot and nerves and scar tissue can cause pain. If you are concerned about it I'd talk to your doctor. Hope the trip went well.

  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member

    Congrats on getting through your neph! Hopefully your recovery is going well.

    1 - No, didn't happen to me.

    2- Totally normal. Your body has gone through a lot. Be patient - it can take a while for it to get back to where it was before.

    3- Everyone is different and everyone heals at a different pace. Case in point, my doctor told me that at 6 weeks I could exercise again, but I just couldn't do it. I had to wait til 8 weeks to be able to run again. But as far as travel goes, on week after my neph, I felt strong enough to easily handle a long car ride. This probably doesn't help you at all, but listen to your body. It'll tell you if you're good to go or if you're pushing yourself too hard.

    Hope this helps!

  • DancingBluebird
    DancingBluebird Member Posts: 11 Member

    Thanks each of you for your comments. They do help with the questions that surface post surgery. My recovery is really going very well for which I am beyond grateful. Hearing others reflections provides the reassurance that the aches & healing is all progressing as it should.

    I hope all of you are doing well. Quite the season for reflection & gratitude.