Very small tumor treatment

orrsally Member Posts: 1 Member
edited May 2022 in Breast Cancer #1

I recently had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy of my high grade ductal In situ with one invasive ductal satellite. My margins were small but clear as were the lymph nodes. The tumor was only 2mm big . I am er+, pr- and her2 +. I will have radiation and famara but the protein blocker is in question because of the extreme smallness of the tumor (0.079 of an inch). One Dr tells me if it were their mother they’d recommend the heceptin and the other says they wouldn’t recommend it to their mother. Are their studies with this small of tumor? And the need to do the every three week infusion of herceptin? Very confusing for this patient(me)


  • Sunny5
    Sunny5 Member Posts: 147 Member

    I have no idea! But just ask your doctors plenty of questions. Write them down before you go. There is no silly question, and they will be happy to answer them. Prayers and best wishes to you!