Spring Renewal Blessings and Flowers

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member
edited May 2022 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hello, all you good folks.

It is always nice to take a little break from the subject of cancer and celebrate the blessings around us.

I just want to celebrate spring and warmer weather with you with a couple of pictures of some local flowers and plants

What was not long ago this--

Is now this---

It's amazing to me how plants and green growth seem to be coming from everywhere, where not long ago it all looked dead and brown.

The bird boxes are all patched and painted and rehung in their place and the birds are really active.

And so many spring plants are busy putting on their display to declare to all spring has sprung.

Bleeding Hearts plant. And some nice multicolored ferns.

A beautiful ground cover that gets the nicest yellow flowers in the spring and the bees just go crazy over them.

Lilacs I think these are.

And last but not least my favorite is the dandelion. Hated by lawn folks but welcomed by me and they say they are good to eat but I never took a liking to them.

I hope these pictures of creation brighten your day and give you a respite away from life's cares.

Wishing you the Best

Take Care God Bless