Follicular Lymphoma (Endolent) grade 1 stage 4

teenabirge2 Member Posts: 5 Member

The Dr. Stated that the next thing to do is remove the 2 small tumors I have in my abdomen. She said if first line treatment stops working that there is a problem and we have to remove or debulk the tumors. She said that is all I have is the 2 small tumors sitting there that everything else resolved with the Treneda. She stated if the surgeon can’t get all of both the tumors then we will start R-Chop to finish out but if she can get both of them then no chemo and I will then stay on the Rituxan every other month to finish out the 2 years and continue with the pet scans. Thanks for any input. My husband is my support and he has been great but it is still nice to talk to someone who knows. I’am scared even thou I’am a registered nurse retired since this diagnosis last October. I was devastated when I got the news. Never really been what you call sick. I’am a big baby and I have been very emotional since this. I cry at the drop of a hat. Any words to ease my emotions?


  • AmyKay0713
    AmyKay0713 Member Posts: 4 Member

    Hello, Dear Human!

    Emotions are GREAT!! Feel them all and express them to the degree you’re comfortable. If I get emotional (or know I’m going to with someone), I tell them that I apologize if my emotional expressions make them uncomfortable, but I will never apologize for what it is I’m feeling, and right now I’m feeling _____ scared, sad, frustrated, angry, attacked, judged, criticized, patronized, envious, less-than-amused, exhausted, disappointed, etc. My two resources on crying are 1) a feeling wheel printed off or obtained from a licensed therapist. I did not grow up around ANY open expression of emotions and really couldn’t even identify most of mine until I was almost 40! Using the feeling wheel, every day or 3days/week, write several one-two sentence journal entries (or talk about it with a friend or family member - or a mixture of both) about your day and how you felt, using words from your feeling wheel to broaden your recognition of and expression of your feelings. If you even meet with someone once a week you could talk about how you felt the past week, using the feeling wheel. 2) A long hot shower where I can cry the ugly baby cry if and when I need to. If I play music while showering I can sing along with songs I feel in the moment. I can even yell or ask God WHY about such-and-such - and what am I supposed to do with that?!?!

    As a word of hope I’m clinging to, my doctor said my cancerous mass and lymphoma in 7 nodes should all “melt away”…. Mine is supposedly inoperable but if it doesn’t disappear, I’ll get a second opinion on that. I’m Stage 3 and the 6x4 cm mass is deep in my abdomen between my intestines and other organs.

    Hang in there! Thanks for your many years of service in your nursing career. Be Well & Take Good Care,

    AmyKay, Greater Seattle Area, Day1Done!! Rituximab/Obinutuzumab protocol for Stage 3 Small b-cell NHL

  • AmyKay0713
    AmyKay0713 Member Posts: 4 Member

    Actually, my protocol includes Rituximab/Bendamustine for St3sbcell NHL in 7LNodes+Mass

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,508 Member

    Q: Since sugery is almost never performed in lymphoma cases, is there an emergency reason? Is a tumor pressing on an organ or obstructing the small or large intestines? Otherwise, if your pathology and diagnosis are both correct, tumors tend to melt like ice cubes when Bendamustine/Rituxan hit them.