New here- no official diagnosis but scared as Bi-rads 4 mammo w suspicious abnormality

Shan555 Member Posts: 14 Member
edited August 2022 in Breast Cancer #1


I haven't been diagnosed, but am worried as I just had a diagnostic mammogram that showed a suspicious abnormality. (report attached below)

The radiologist said it was good that the ultrasound didn't show a lump but is still concerned as the area is large. I went through a stereotactic biopsy in the same breast years ago that was benign and was changes due to a car accident. This time I am older and have had health problems the last 8 months. I have had swollen occipital nodes in my neck and chronic urticaria for 8 months now and have been to 8 Dr.s. Consensus was a reaction to a vaccine as it all started soon after a vaccination, but as it continued and the swollen nodes didn't go away, I started questioning if whether something else was going on. I had 2 ultrasounds on the nodes in my neck which first showed "reactive lymph nodes" & the 2nd US showed "fluid filled pockets." None of the 8 Dr.s have been able to help, or seemed to care. And now this abnormality found in my breast. I should stay away from google, but I have read that BC can spread to the occipital nodes. Can BC not be a lump and spread so far? Very worried. Anyways, just scared and venting, and thank you for listening.

 LEFT Digital Diagnostic Mammogram-

"BREAST DENSITY: Heterogenously dense, which may obscure small masses.

 FINDINGS: A diagnostic left mammogram was performed utilizing tomosynthesis. The left medial breast asymmetry with subtle distortion persists on spot compression views, likely in the upper inner quadrant. The area measures 19 x 16 mm, best seen on CC view. A coil biopsy clip is noted in the upper outer quadrant middle depth, corresponding to the previous benign stereotactic guided biopsy of calcifications.

FINDINGS: Ultrasound evaluation of the left breast was performed. Extensive left breast ultrasound of the medial breast demonstrates no solid mass or suspicious sonographic abnormality corresponding to the mammographic finding.

 IMPRESSION: Left medial breast asymmetry with subtle distortion and no sonographic correlate is suspicious. Recommend left breast stereotactic guided biopsy."


  • Shan555
    Shan555 Member Posts: 14 Member

    Now I am even more worried. I decided to change clinics to have the biopsy done and had all my information and tests sent to them. They called my Dr and said they wanted to do an MRI before doing a biopsy. Why would they want to do an MRI before doing a biopsy? And if they find something, they still need to do the biopsy, right? So I guess I don't understand why they are wanting me to go through an MRI first. The previous clinic had ordered a stereotactic biopsy, not an MRI. Just confused as to why they recommend an MRI before a biopsy. I am worried they already think it is something bad, which is why they want to do the MRI. I am having a lot of anxiety, especially as I have had health issues for months now.

  • catlady2
    catlady2 Member Posts: 55 Member

    I am so sorry you are in the middle of all of this right now! Waiting for all the testing to be done is awful. My best guess is they want to do a MRI because you have dense breast and they might be able to get a better picture of what is happening in your breast that way.

    All I can tell you is just breathe! You will get a diagnosis and they will figure out what to do soon. Try and be kind to yourself and find activities that help you relax. Walking, yoga, meditating, going to the movies, hot bath with music and candles or a good piece of chocolate. I remember the awful wait for a diagnosis and plan. I thought the worst and spent too much time on "Dr. Google". My imagination ran wild with all the possibilities. Keep us posted...

  • Sunny5
    Sunny5 Member Posts: 147 Member

    I hope you know something by now. I'm praying it is not cancer. Try to just trust your doctors. They know what they are doing. Waiting is hard. God bless and keep you. Keep us posted.

  • asauce26
    asauce26 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Hello. Just came across this post and I’m in a similar situation as you. Wondering if you received a diagnosis?

  • Sunny5
    Sunny5 Member Posts: 147 Member

    The MRI may be to tell them more exactly where the area is that they want to biopsy. Don't be afraid to ask them this question! It's your body and you need to know exactly the whys of what they are doing. I'm sure they will be glad to answer your questions. Praying all will be well!