Recurring as something different.

greentea98 Member Posts: 10 Member
edited April 2022 in Colorectal Cancer #1

My dad was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2017. During that we were suggested a surgery to remove the surgery by the biggest hospital in my country and my dad had to carry an ileostomy bag for couple months and the surgery also gave him some infections which lasted for months. Then doctor suggested him folfox which we were skeptical but we anyways completed that and my dad got his ileostomy bag removed. But even reversal surgery gave him complications and his stitches opened and liquid stools were passing from the abdomen and he had to get surgery redone.

In late 2018, he got PET CT scan done and found some fdg mass in bowel loops abutting pelvic cavity and got the biospy done and it came out OK.

Now a week ago, my dad got PET Scan done again and found the soft tissue density lesion in same place with nearly same SUVmax of 7.78 but the size has increased from 1.2 x 1.0 cm to 2.3 x 3.1 cm. And there is an lytic lesion with soft tissue component involving sacrum with SUVmax of 9.7

We consulted with the same hospital and the MD said that it is new "infection" and has nothing to do with previous disease. Since it was not present in the last PET scan and recommended Complex Curative Radiation for 3 weeks (10-15 mins daily). My dad went for second opinion from another hospital chain and they recommended Radiation along with Chemotherapy and also told my dad that there are two types of radiation and the superior one being twice the cost of the other. (I tried searching on web but I never found any such difference in radiations).

So my dad is now planning to get the radiation done in our main hospital. But since it is quite distant from our home. Our relatives are suggesting us to get the radiation done at a third hospital which is somewhat near to our city. They are also telling us that all hospitals usually (no matter how big one is) have some radiation machines and follow same techniques. But I don't quite believe this statement.

I think they all are (I am too but also this is one of the biggest hospital in country) kinda skeptical to get the radiation done in our main hospital because all our surgeries there had complications on their fault but they never took responsibility.

So I am here to learn more about radiations and also to hear your views on my dad's case.


  • StonedCamaro
    StonedCamaro Member Posts: 38 Member

    Can't help with your dad's diagnosis. But I would go with whichever hospital gives you the best/reassured feeling! If the one he has gone to has always had issues...go elsewhere!

    I pray he gets to the best hands and heels quickly.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    These are hard decisions to make, and at the end of the day, you will have to jump on the one that feels best.

    Radiation is not easy, and travel each day can be dicey. I live 300 miles from where I had radiation, and opted to stay with friends in the big city. I definitely could NOT have travelled at all. Even going from the radiation centre to the house was hard, with many a blow out. And the pain for me was incredible.

    If you are unsure of that one hospital, then I would go with your gut, and go for another one.

    Wishing your dad all the best


  • MandiePandie
    MandiePandie Member Posts: 109 Member

    I think there is something to your families suggestion that radiation is a lot more standard, especially compared to surgery. That combined with the closeness of the other facility would make me vote for the other facility over the main hospital. I hope you come to a decision that your are comfortable with.

  • greentea98
    greentea98 Member Posts: 10 Member

    My dad have actually decided to get the radiation done again at the same hospital. He says that the doctors there already knows everything about his case. And thus radiation suggested by them should be the best for his case. While the hospital where he got second opinion told him to get chemoradiation and also asked them to consult the surgeon. My dad started getting bad feel about that hospital and left them. I am actually asking him to get a third opinion at another hospital but I think he prefers the radiation only treatment and don't want other docs to prescribe him something else. Or maybe it is just hard to trust doctors if they are not milking for money only.

    So now my dad will be leaving for treatment in a day or two and will get a room there.

    Thanks for the wishes. I really hope everything turns out to be fine. I wish same for you and your loved ones.