Year +5, my saliva is back.

AnotherSurvivor Member Posts: 384 Member
edited March 2022 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

I did 35 IMRT/carbotaxol for stage III tonsil back in 2016. Last treatment Jan , 2017. I was NED at my 5 year in September.

I did get my taste back, in about March 2017.

I still have periodic muscle spasms in my jaw.

I have been using Xylimelts constantly for the last 5 years.

A few weeks ago I was working in the yard, forgot to have any Xylimelts with me, and I suddenly noticed I had a mouthful of thin watery saliva. Not quite what I had before treatment, but wet none the less. Since then my mouth has been producing at pretty close to a normal rate. Tonight I noticed a full mouthfull again.

I was told by my ENT at end of treatment that he had seen people get better on saliva over time, and I am here confirming that to be accurate. I still use Xylimelts occasionally, but can go for hours without.

Deep in the throes of treatment you can get discouraged. I remember almost crying a few months after treatment when I was wondering if I would ever get my taste back I put a small piece of sliced turkey in my mouth and realized I fully tasted it.

Things can and do get better. Hang in, let time do its thing.


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