My hysterectomy



  • misstaylor84
    misstaylor84 Member Posts: 73 Member

    Tomorrow will be week 2 done. I finally let out a sneeze the other day and it didn't hurt too bad but at times when I sneeze or cough I feel things hurting on the inside. I still deal with new pain/discomfort in a different area almost daily lol. Steristrips are still secure and show no sign of coming off any time soon. Incision areas still itch, burn and are uncomfortable. Lower back pain is still there but hip pain is less. I actually stood at the sink today and did two sinks of dishes. It didn't hurt or bother me and I'm using that as an indicator of what I can do as I heal. Nobody has told me at what week I can start doing certain things so I'm figuring it out as I go. I know better than to lift over 5lbs for quite a while and I definitely feel it when I pull on a blanket or reach farther than I should or just lift my leg too high. Things are still chaotic here since my brother has been in the hospital since last Tuesday with a bad infection in his foot and now his kidneys are damaged from the high dose of antibiotics. He is 45 minutes away so my mom has been with him a lot, leaving us scrambling to find help to take care of my dad when she's gone. My husband is driving and my adopted sister can only come every so often and help. We don't have anyone else in the family who can sit with him and help him transfer from bed to wheelchair or recliner to his chair. I know I can't pull on him or really bend so I'm useless.

    I'm still scared of damaging the cuff and read that a vaginal cuff tear can happen up to 81 weeks after surgery. Yikes! How did you ladies deal with that and I know it's a long ways off still, but how did you put the fear aside and have sex again? LOL