New Site Format Question

I am having a hard time with the way the site was redesigned. Is it just me or is is there no longer a way to jump to new comments on a post? Also do posts and replies no longer show the date and time? It seems like when you go to read new comments to a post that when you click on the post it takes you to the original post and you have to scroll down to figure out what is new. Thanks.


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  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    New comments since the site redesign include the date. Comments posted during the current day only include the time. Unfortunately, comments that were on the site before the redesign only include the month and year, not the full date.

    The CSN tips state that "The blue box helps you to know where you left off reading the comments. The comment above this, is the last comment that you read. The comment in the blue box and all comments after it are comments you have not read. If you have read all the comments in that topic, you will not see a blue box."

    I'm not crazy about the blue box system. I wish there was an option in the Notifications preferences for "See new comments." Right now, I've left most of these preferences "on," even ones that aren't applicable to our site (i.e. "Notify me when I'm invited to a group" to help me spot new comments.

    Clicking on a notification is supposed to take you to the related comment. But I still find this system wonky and also use the "New" flag that appears in the topic list. Knowing that comments now appear in chronological order I often just go to the end of the comments and read that way.

    I just wrote to CSN yesterday and asked a lot of questions about the search function. I have their answers and will update the FAQ with information on searching soon.

  • woodstock99
    woodstock99 Member Posts: 206 Member

    Thank you so much. This is somewhat helpful but still seems like they made it very obtuse instead of better w/exception of certain email notifications . I hate change and got used to it the way it was flaws and all! It's just had to track truly "new" topics and the way we were able to click on the latest reply to a topic vs now having to scroll all the way to the end to figure out if you read replies or not. I received an email notification that you added a comment and there is a box in the email to click on that will take me to your comment. So I think this works for comments made to posts you create as I do not get notifications for other ones as I'd be getting way too many emails.

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    You'll see from my screen shot that I've unchecked all the "email notifications" options, except for when someone sends me a private message. I don't want that many emails either. The other types of notifications are enough for me. But if I was in active treatment, had a specific question and wasn't on the Board often, I might want to select some of the other email options too.

    Now that I've finished my hints on the search function (to be uploaded in the near future), I'm going to switch my attention to the new comments issue, which has been bugging me too. If I learn anything else helpful, I'll pass it along.

  • CSNSupportTeam
    CSNSupportTeam admin Posts: 242
    edited January 2022 #5

    Hi woodstock99,

    If you hover over the date listed in the post, it will show you the specific date and time. I included an example below for reference. This also works when you are looking at the list of discussions, but it only shows the date and time of the most recent comment. Unfortunately we are not able to add the date of the original post.

    In regards to going to the most recent post, when you click on a discussion, the site should automatically take you to the last post you read in the conversation.

    Please let us know if you have additional questions.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    edited January 2022 #6

    THANK YOU, CMB! Like you I only want emails for PMs so I appreciate this SO much.

    @CSN I don't know if you meant to post that huge block of text or not. Very "code-y" looking to me. If that popped up I don't know what could be seen - or if you are saying that is what we would get. Yikes!

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    Here's an example of how the full date and time displays when you "hover" your mouse over the time for a post made today or the date in an earlier post (highlighted in yellow only for this illustration). 

    It's too bad that the topic's origination date doesn't appear in the topic list anymore – that was helpful to spot when someone made a new comment on an old post. 

  • CSNSupportTeam
    CSNSupportTeam admin Posts: 242

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for the heads up NoTimeForCancer and cmb for the post. We edited the original post as well as that code was not supposed to be there and was to be the screenshot.



    CSN Support Team

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    In my comment #2 above, I posted a screen shot of my notifications preferences to illustrate the notification options now available.

    But I also wrote that I wished there was a general "See new comments" option. I find there actually is such a function. Click the follow/unfollow "bell" icon above topic list and you'll see the following options:

    The option checked above will now flag all new posts on the Uterine board, even if you didn't originate or comment on a topic. Be forewarned, however. If you haven't checked the board in a while, you could be swamped with new posts notifications with this option if some topics have lots of comments.

    In that case it may be easier to just click on the titles of the topics with the "New" flag in the topic list. That should bring you to where you left off reading in that topic the last time, indicated by the post with the blue border.

  • Ribbons
    Ribbons Member Posts: 154 Member

    I want to add a couple of things to my profile/story and I don’t know how?

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    There are a couple of ways to get to the place where you can edit your profile. The simplest is to click on your profile picture in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

    Then you'll see the option to Edit Profile:

    Prior to the December 1, 2021 site redesign, the default format for a member's profile was in a question/answer format. The questions were displayed as bold text in the profile. This formatting style still appears when viewing a member's profile that was created before the redesign. 

    But if a member wants to edit her profile, she will now see the HTML formatting tags that controlled when text was bolded or not. If the member hasn't worked with HTML formatting tags before, these tags can appear very confusing at first.

    If these formatting tags already exist, there is no way to automatically turn them off in edit mode. You can copy your existing profile that is viewed by others and paste it into the edit screen. This will eliminate the HTML tags, but will also remove any bolded formatting from your profile.

    Several paragraphs under the same bolded question only need one <div class="profile_answer"> at the start of the first paragraph and end with </div> after the last paragraph. So if you're just updating existing text under a question, you can usually just ignore the HTML tags that already exist.

    Note that I'll add a link to this post to the FAQ topic once I've finished working on those updates.

  • Ribbons
    Ribbons Member Posts: 154 Member

    Thank you, yes that HTML thing was confusing.


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