How do I open a topic?

Barbwhiton Member Posts: 1 Member

I just joined and can't figure out how to open the different discussions from the "All discussions" list page.


  • CSNSupportTeam
    CSNSupportTeam admin Posts: 238

    Thanks for joining Barb,

    Here are some tips to help with accessing the discussions and topics.

    To access discussion boards:

    • ‘Discussion Boards’ are listed on the CSN homepage. Alternatively, you can select ‘All Discussion Boards’ from the right-side Quick Links menu or select ‘Discussion Boards’ from the blue bar at the top of the page.
    • Click on the title of the discussion board you wish to access.
    • You will then see a list of topics. These are in order of the most recent topic or comment on a topic.
    • Click on the title of the topic to see the comments for that topic. Comments will be displayed in chronological order.
    • There will be a blue box around the latest comment that you haven’t read.

    To post a new discussion topic on a discussion board:

    • There are two ways to create a new topic. If you are on the discussion board that you want to post your topic on, select the blue ‘New Post’ button on the right-hand side.
    • Select ‘New Post’.
    • Create a Title for your topic and then write the content of your post. Click Post Topic.
    • If you are on the homepage or recent topics page, click the blue ‘New Post’ button on the right-hand side.
    • Select ‘New Post’.
    • Click the ‘Select a discussion board’ button. Create a Title for your topic and then write the content of your post. Click Post Topic.

    To post a comment on a discussion topic:

    • Locate the discussion board and topic of your choice.
    • Scroll to the bottom of the page and type your Comment under ‘Leave a Comment’. Click ‘Post Comment’.
    • To reply to another comment, click ‘Reply’ at the bottom of the comment you are replying to.
    • Your comment will include the content from the post you are replying to. Enter your comment and click ‘Post Comment’.
    • Your comment will be listed in chronological order with the other comments, but users will be able to see which comment you are replying to since your post will also include the comments from the initial post.

    I hope that helps. Please feel free to reach out to us if we can be of help.



    CSN Support Team