Things continue downhill is there any hope for natural anti cancer supplements ?

worriedson714 Member Posts: 333 Member

Hello ,

So my dad is continuing to struggle with confusion mood swings and memory problems as well as weakness . Sometimes he can hardly stand and sometimes he doesn't even seem to know who we are . Other times he seems to be able to walk better and seems to have less confusion the night time seems to be far worse .

So dad hasn't been able to get back to flint for proton therapy and struggles to eat and drink most of the time . His oncologist took labs all which look good and is sending him to a neurologist and a MRI of his brain and palliative care seems to do nothing but push him towards hospice .

Hospice is a big concern for us as they would most likely pull him off blood thinners and stop all routine medical care like changing his kidney drain out every six to eight weeks . So my family and I are worried hospice would just be speeding things up and would upset my father further .

However he has fallen three times this week and with being on blood thinners that has me scared so I started to think what options have we got here . Natural anti cancer supplements like curcumin seem to be the best option based on my years of research .

But I am worried if anti cancer supplements are safe to take with my dad on blood thinners ? There is alot of conflicting information out there about this so I am looking for information about this since I know many have researched this subject thank you for any help in advance .


  • feckcancer
    feckcancer Member Posts: 189 Member

    Curcumin is the key active ingredient in turmeric and it is suggested that it needs pepper to help activate it.

    I think you need at least a 1-3 grams of grated or powdered root per day ( 1/2 teaspoon is 1 gram. 1 +1/2 teaspoons is 3 grams. a tablespoon is 6 grams. ) and the only way to know it is safe with his medications is by asking his oncologists.

    my friend (who is a doctor) grates raw turmeric on her porridge then grinds a pepper grinder over it to have hers but I prefer to take tablets.

    you can also make a turmeric tincture with turmeric, pepper and apple vinegar cider or alcohol and have a few drops under the tongue . there is lots of info on the internet on how to do this but also please ask his oncologists how they feel about this.

    here is a link to a recipe for turmeric tincture:

    Your Complete Guide To Turmeric Tinctures | Willamette Transplant

    also may help if you look into medical marijuana if it is legal where you are

    Take care

  • SnapDragon2
    SnapDragon2 Member Posts: 719 Member

    Goodness, worriedson!

    He is having a terrible time. I know you are doing everything possible to keep him happy and healthy as you can. I am proud of you for being such a good son.

    I don't have any advice, wish I did. Just wanted you to know my thoughts.