MDS - Myelodysplastic syndrome

wifeofMDS Member Posts: 2 Member
edited July 2022 in Rare and Other Cancers #1

Looking for other caregivers for support and or advise. My husband has MDS and is scheduled for a stem cell transplant in February.


  • Soldier1971
    Soldier1971 Member Posts: 1 *


    Sorry I am a little late in replying prior to the stem cell operation but I have only just joined.

    Was there anything specific you wanted to know?

  • Ubauemj
    Ubauemj Member Posts: 1 Member

    Different member, but I have questions too. Mine is due this July.

    two main questions:

    1- will they make me give up my cats afterwards? I’m at MDA for +/- 100 days post transplant. Have a friend caring for them the 4 months I’m in Houston

    2- will they let me continue to take my vitamins and supplements while inpatient for SCT?

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

    Sorry to hear this. I had 20q deletion MDS at 23% of my marrow. Sadly, I also had two different relapsed non-Hodgkin's T-Cell Lymphomas at stage IV. I underwent three infusions of a novel regimen consisting of Bendamustine, Etoposide and Carboplatin (known as TEC). It dropped the MDS to minimum residual disease (2.6%), placed the lymphomas in full response and I went on to a haploidentical transplant (son as donor). However, it took a full two years before the MDS was gone, so it does take time and patience.

    As much as you can, clean up your post-transplant environment as much as possible and do ask doctor/nurse/nutritionist regarding diet and supplements.

  • wifeofMDS
    wifeofMDS Member Posts: 2 Member

    My husband's oncologist did not say we had to get rid of animals just that he will not be able to clean up after them and to make sure he washes his hands of he touches them. 3 dogs and a cat will be in residence. But definitely ask you Dr.

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

    Consider an air purifier if you do not have one. Even if it only reduces allergens in the air it can help since any inflammation is a Petri dish for infection.