Roll Call Reminder-Post Your Update Status

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member

Hello all.

Just a quick reminder if you haven't posted your update in the new roll call now is the time to do it.

Matt has been working long and hard to adapt it to the new format and it is now available.

To all of our H&N members feel free to post to the roll call which lets people know the basic stats that you want to put there such as basically where you live like say West Texas or some such and age or anything else you want to put there but not too specific or personal such as no email or phone numbers, etc. Just post a basic overview of your cancer experience such as approximately when you were first diagnosed, what type of cancer, and the area of H&N cancer you had. What was your treatment regimen was and how are you doing today and how long you have been a survivor since treatment.

Look over some of the previous posts in the roll call and it will give you a good idea of what you may want to include.

You will see some are long and some are short and some are in between but all are important, welcomed, and vital and it is good for us to see how our fellow survivors are doing.

Here is the link to click to take you directly to the roll call posting.

From there go to the bottom of the page and make your posting in the leave a comment box.

OK folks we are looking forward to hearing from you and catching up a bit.

Thank you all-Take Care-God Bless-Russ


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    I could not say it any better than that.

    Yes, existing and perspective member’s of the H&N Roll Call, please leave a trace of yourself for 2021 Head and Neck Forum. I would be happy to include all the stuff Russ was talking about and I will be updating the Roll Call on a more regular time schedule from now on.

    Some members get a lot said using very few words and others really want us all to know “what they went through”. I do not blame them for wanting to share their journey. There was a pre-cancer time In my life when I believed that a person with stage IV cancer was a goner and when the doctor told me I was stage IV, I was visibly shaken. BUT, here I am and I currently have 9 years and 9 months of “NED-delicious time” under my belt.

    Well, CM rambles on. Stop in and leave me your “Post-it” note about yourself.