Christmas Wishes-Leave Yours Too

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member
edited December 2021 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hello everybody.

We are about a week away from Christmas.


To all the CSN H&N folks on here who are stopping by and are reading this and to our background lurkers, which I am urging to join and be a part of the family here I am sending Christmas Greetings and Well Wishes to you and your families.

In this special time of year may we count our many Blessings.

And celebrate the birth of Jesus

Hark! the herald angels sing, "Glory to the newborn King:

peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled!"

Joyful, all ye nations, rise, join the triumph of the skies;

with th'angelic hosts proclaim, "Christ is born in Bethlehem!"

Hark! the herald angels sing,

"Glory to the newborn King"

I am hoping for many good improvements for those that need it, stability for others, clear scans ahead, strengthening and encouragement, and above all Always NED (No Evidence of Disease.)

I encourage you all to Please feel free to post your Christmas wishes here-Take Care-God Bless-Russ


  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    edited December 2021 #2

    Would you believe I got this card from my Radiation Dr.?

    No, I didn't think so. 😁

    Sorry, Russ. Just a reflection of the way I feel about her with her mistakes- I was the one who had to go to the U of Iowa over a year after tx to find out I should have been on Flouride Trays before, during and after tx, she didn't know anything about, and ever since they're doing it! And in a follow-up visit, did she thank me for it? Nope. And it's no just that. So, this is the kind of card I'd expect to get from her.

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member

    here are much better ones

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

    Thanks, Logan very nice.

    Take care-God Bless-Russ

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

  • SuzJ
    SuzJ Member Posts: 446 Member

    Happy Holidays everyone!

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

    Thanks, Suz, appreciated.

    Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

    Not a very uplifting card, so bland with a tiny Christmas greeting and no smile. Looks like she did it because it oughta be done not that she was excited about it. Yes, you would think you would get a thank you and acknowledgment but maybe she feels it would be admitting a mistake, I don't know. Take care-God Bless-Russ

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member

    Sorry Russ- the card was a joke that I did not think got posted. It was out of place for me to post in this thread, and I do regret it. The smiling face I have is to let people know it was a joke, by the way. Upper right corner is a picture of Groucho Marx with a stethoscope, like he's a Dr., that I found a long time ago and associated with the Dr.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

    Hah, I see it all now, what a dummy I am. I fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Take Care-God Bless-Russ