New CSN Website-Post/Edit Picture and Images.

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member

I have recently found there are a few things you can do with pictures you post on CSN. I recently added a post on tips on the new site and how much easier it is for everybody to add pictures or images. Well now once you post a picture in your post or comment there are a few things you can do such as shift the picture to the left or to the right or center it or make it small medium or large. First left click on the picture and you will see an oblong box above it with options. The first option on the left is to set the picture on the left or move it to the right or center it. Moving right the next option is sizing the picture either small, medium, or large. The next option is third from the left is to add a description to the picture which helps users with accessibility concerns. The last option on the far right is the delete option to delete the picture.

I will give some examples. Below is a picture that was reduced in size on my PC before uploading and see how it still covers the width of the post.

Below is the same picture using the same options I just talked about making it medium size.

Here is another picture uploaded.

Here it is using the options mentioned in small size.

And below is one more uploaded picture.

And below it is shown in small size and shifted to the right.

I think the options in the new site making it easier for the average user to add and edit photos a bit will hopefully get more people interested in making a post mentioning a hobby or craft they have and posting a picture or pictures of something they made. Maybe you took an interesting trip over the weekend and want to share a couple of pictures with your fellow H & N folks here on the site. Maybe you have a new child or grandbaby that you hold on your lap that you would have never seen without treatment intervention, you can post a picture of you and the child, and what a post-treatment Blessing that is. Or maybe you found a new product you think may be helpful to others you can post that too such as this one I use to thicken drinks to lessen coughing and hopefully eliminate any aspiration.

Hopefully, more people will share things this way and it shows there is life after cancer and cancer treatment and that it's not all gloom and doom and life goes on and we recover and live normal lives again after treatment or sometimes Abinormal lives after treatment. Either way, post something and add pictures and let people know there is a whole lot more to focus on than just dealing with our issues and post-treatment problems. Things do get better and this is not just a group of support we are a group of "Celebration" also.

Wishing You All The Best-Take Care-God Bless-Russ