About the American Cancer Society Cancer Survivors Network®

CSNSupportTeam admin Posts: 240
edited January 2022 in Welcome to CSN #1

Welcome to the Cancer Survivors Network, a peer support community for cancer survivors, caregivers, families, and friends! CSN is a safe place to connect with others who share your interests and experiences.

Joining our community is free. Once you’ve joined, you will have:

  • Ability to post to discussion boards.
  • Access to CSN member pages and posts.
  • Access to CSN secure private messages with other members.
  • Access to the Chatroom.
  • Ability to share your story (About Me). 
  • Notifications each time you receive new CSN message or new content is added to a discussion board you follow.

The purpose of the Cancer Survivors Network is peer support. Site content is contributed by its members. Their contributions reflect their own personal views, feelings, and experiences. Content is not endorsed by the American Cancer Society nor should it be accepted as credible medical information. Users are encouraged to refer to the American Cancer Society website at http://cancer.org or call its National Cancer Information Center at 1.800.227.2345 for credible medical information. Users should always consult qualified healthcare providers with questions and concerns about their medical condition.

Please read the CSN Terms and Conditions carefully before registering. If you are concerned that a member of the CSN community is violating the terms, please report this to the CSN Support Team.

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