Changes to CSN for Existing Members

CSNSupportTeam admin Posts: 239
edited January 2022 in Welcome to CSN #1


Your existing password will work on the new CSN website. However, we recommend you take this opportunity to update your password to enhance security.


On the previous CSN website, if you replied to another comment, your reply was displayed directly underneath the original comment. On the new site, all comments, including replies, will be displayed chronologically. Users will know which comment you are replying to because the body of your reply will include the content from the original comment.

Highlighted Comments

In each topic that contains new comments, there will be a comment that has a blue box around it. The comment above this, is the last comment that you read. The comment in the blue box and all comments after it have not been read. If you have read all the comments in that topic, you will not see a blue box.

Following Discussion Boards

Now you can follow a Discussion Board and receive notifications whenever there is a new topic and/or comment.

To follow a Discussion Board:

  •  Click on All Discussion Boards (you can also access the Discussion Boards from the homepage)
  • Scroll down the Board you would like to follow. Click on the title of the discussion board.
  • Click on the bell that is above the list of topics. There you can set which type of notification preferences you prefer for this specific discussion board.
  • The bell icon will be black on the boards you are following.

Bookmark Topics

You can also bookmark a specific discussion topic so you can easily refer back to it. Bookmarks can be accessed by clicking ‘My Bookmarks’ under the Quick Links.

To bookmark a discussion topic:

  • Navigate to the discussion topic you would like to bookmark. Click the bookmark icon to the right of the topic title.
  • You can also bookmark a topic from within the discussion. Scroll to the top of the page. Click the bookmark icon to the right of the topic title.
  • The bookmark icon will be black on the topics you have bookmarked.

Editing Posts

You can edit your posts, however you can only edit them for one week after posting. If you would like to edit a post after one week, please contact the administrator.



Members can show their support for other members by reacting to their posts. You can ‘Like’ (thumbs up) a post, or you can show that you ‘Care’ (heart). A member’s profile page will also display the number of reactions they have received on their posts.

Profile Settings

CSN now has additional settings that you can access through your profile. In addition to editing your profile, changing your profile picture (or avatar), and changing your password, other settings include:

  • Notification Preferences – You can select when you want a notification and if you would prefer an email and/or a pop-up notification.
  •  Who’s online – Members will be able to see the avatar of the members who are currently online. If you do not want other members to know when you’re online, you can opt out of this through your profile settings.

This discussion has been closed.