Uterine Serous Carcinoma



  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member

    I was diagnosed with UPSC 1a in February 2012 and am still here. I had surgery, chemo and brachytherapy.

  • vlloyd
    vlloyd Member Posts: 6 Member

    Wow that's awesome thank you for posting this. My CT results this week showed the cancer has spread to my liver and other lymph nodes including ones surrounding my aorta. Headed out to MD Anderson in Houston this week for my first appointment.

  • Prayer2023
    Prayer2023 Member Posts: 33 Member

    You will win this! Praying for strength to help you each day! Can I ask what your symptoms were before you had your CT. I have to go back in December for my first 3 month checkup and my oncologist said I can’t get a CT unless I have symptoms. Well, I know I could feel just fine and have cancer! Again, praying for strength and healing through your additional treatment! God Bless!

  • 8675309
    8675309 Member Posts: 7 Member
    edited November 2023 #25

    Hello again.

    here we are almost 2 years since the initial diagnosis of Stage IV uterine serous carcinoma. My GF is still alive and feeling good despite turning down chemo. Thank God! She recently had a scan and the scan showed signs of the cancer returning.

    She still feels good. And continues to have an amazing and positive outlook. And I am in awe of her strength. She continues to donate to people and things that she feels strongly about. And I continue to support her in everything she does. I of course feel dread. That someday soon all this will change. And the woman I love, a person that has more strength and perseverance that anyone I have ever met. Will fall victim to this terrible disease.

  • 8675309
    8675309 Member Posts: 7 Member
    edited November 2023 #26

    A comment to my post.

    wer not sure what this means. We really want to know when. Right. The question we always ask the doctor. The question they don’t answer. We would like a ballpark. Number. She likes to travel. And to know she can travel without immediate fear would be nice.

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    We are here for you. Your gf is lucky to have such a love in her life. It can't be easy for you to deal with this. The doctors are hesitant to give a number because we are a statistic of one. I hope you can travel and enjoy the fall together. Hugs to you and her.....

  • Obladee36
    Obladee36 Member Posts: 12 Member

    I was diagnosed with high grade serous carcinoma3C1 after my hysterectomy in September 2023. I’ll be having 6 rounds of carbo/taxol/dostarlimab and 25 pelvic radiation treatments. I’m one chemo down, 5 to go. Thanks for sharing your journey. It gives me hope. I’m 74.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    8675309, I'm sorry I missed this and want to thank you for coming back and letting us know how she is doing. I think of you two often, wonder how it is going, and happy to hear she continues to thrive.

    I would suggest going and doing all you want to do. None of us know how much time we have, even not having cancer, so go and do! This 'thing' will let you know when you need to step back.

    I realize not everyone is a Charles Barkley fan, but during a 60 minute interview and talking about enjoying life and living, he had a great quote, "I'm on the back nine. I hope I'm on hole 10 or 11 but you never know. I could be on 17 and 18." None of us know so good for you two to go and LIVE.