I'm new here. Intro

I was dx' with rectal cancer in early 2019. I had chemo and resection. I had major postsurgical complications - pneumonia, renal faliure,

infected port, uremia, sepitcemia, respiratory distress syndrome, and dementia. I ended up on a respirator with a trach.

I also had difficulties with my illeostomy. During my 3 month hospitalization I was in a coma for 2 weeks. I recovered from all

these and returned to good health. It was great to come home. Several months later I had surgery to get rid of my ilestomy. 

Things continued to go well for over 2 years. 

About 3 months ago a suspicious "thickening" appeared. Several tests later a biopsy showed cancer cells. MRI showed the thickening

incresed. I was diagnosed with advanced local recurrent rectal cancer. The good thing is it is local. No sign of metastasis. So, now

I am taking short course radiation treatments to shrink the tumor with the idea it will improve the success of my upcoming surgery.

My anxiety is through the roof. I do feel like I'm in good hands with the medical community here. 

I have the best support and love from my long time signifigant other. I live on a beautiful farm and am a retired RN. 

This is my first post here. Just learning how to do it. Thanks for reading all this. I hope to get to know people here. This already helps.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    edited November 2021 #2
    Welcome, Farmer Bob

    It sounds like you are have been through the mill and back again.  A journey many here can relate to. 

    Sadly, anxiety is par for the course, it is how we deal with it, that matters. 

    There are many here who have found that a mild anxiety medication works just right for them. Others take a route of say, yoga and meditation. It is a personal decisoin that sometimes takes a bit of try it and see. 

    It is good news that the Cancer has not spread, though finding out it is still in the colon is still a severe blow, and I am certailny not trying to downplay that. 

    Radiation was not a walk in the park, for me, so I hope that you are fairing better.  

    You will find added support here on the forum, though the support you get at home is always the best.  Stick with us, and we will stick with you.  Ask any questions, and at some point, someone will ansewer.  Be patient, as sometimes the forum members pop in and out, and it is not a daily thing. 

    Do you have a date for your surgery?  I will put it on my calendar, and you will be 'on my mind' that whole day. I will be sending all the good vibes and talking to the universe and whoever in it is listening. 

    Again, I welcome you to the forum. 


  • Real Tar Heel
    Real Tar Heel Member Posts: 307 Member
    edited November 2021 #3


    I'm glad your docs think surgery is a good option for you. Means they think you have a shot for livng a good life.

  • farmer bob
    farmer bob Member Posts: 3
    Thanks so very much! Date of

    Thanks so very much! Date of surgery is Dec 3rd.  -Bob


  • farmer bob
    farmer bob Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2021 #5
    Yes, my docs do agree I have

    Yes, my docs do agree I have a pretty good shot at survival. There was a brief talk about taking the palliative route.

    Thanks for your response.  -Bob 

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member

    Will be thinking of you tomorrow, Bob, and hoping all goes well.
