COVID booster today

LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member

This evening I got the Booster vaccine Pfizer MDV.  

At CVS, one had to schedule an appointment to get one.... Nah, so I drove down the street to Walgreens, filled out 3 pages of paperwork and got it. I waited around 20 minutes and then went shopping at Barnes & Noble booksellers.

And I still can detect, Nothing.  No effects, just like my other 2 Pfizer.

The paperwork was intensive for me because I was born with one of the very very rare Primary Immunodeficiency diseases ... They ask about intravenous Immunoglobulin and it you've received it in the past 3 months. Well yes, I receive 25 Grams of it in the Cancer Center hospital Every 28 days.  For the past 30+ years. That's how they treat my immune deficiency.

So, I am absolutely at the Front of the line in getting the Booster. Add in State III cancer, chemo & rads treatment, low Lymphocytes, malnourished on feeding tube.  Yes, I qualify .

But here's the deal ---- I am likely NOT building any immunity.  Because my body does not make the white blood cells necessary for a vaccine response.  

At some point they might test me to see if I have any COVID antibody. However, I've already been told that at best, I might have Partial immunity.  And that's a big Maybe. .  Going forward, they said I must  continue to fully protect myself..

easy vaccine though, and no reaction ....maybe not a good sign though. LOL!



  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    I'm glad to hear you're

    I'm glad to hear you're having no side effects.  Sounds like you're doing good today-able to drive anyway.

  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member
    edited September 2021 #3
    Doctors tell me

    Doctors tell me that No Reaction likely means that my immune system, ( and its only a partial immune system) is not responding to the vaccine. In other words... it may not work at all in me.

    Same with cancer Immunotherapy---- What those agents do is harness your own immune system and prompt it to fight your cancer. 

    My Medical Oncologist told me, though, that they fear trying to use Immunotherapy in me. For fear #1.  It just would not work at all.  You see, my Lymphocytes are very low. The Actual number and the Percentage of Lymphocytes is low.  Well, those are the very specific White Blood Cells which immunotherapy agents use. Your own immune system.

    And actually, I'm betting they would not give me a hundred thousand dollar treatment in the first place, knowing my body does not make those key cells, 

    And #2. My MO told me they feared immunotherapy might even attack my own organs.

    Anyway, I want these vaccines to work in me!! Of course I do.  But as I said, I've been told by my doctors that I have to continue all protectivemeasures, because my own immune system won't do it for me.

    I'm doing my part, though, in getting the vaccines! That was #3.   

    Hospitals are Full of COVID cases, who are Unvaccinated people.... I don't get it because a shot in the arm is painless and simple.  People need to do the right thing to protect us all. At least as best we can, at the moment.

    I had Bilateral bacterial pneumonia in June, and the doctors and nurses listening to my lungs, every few days now,  ...they are hearing that these lungs aren't clear yet.  And I still have obvious Infection.  I'm on Nebulizer breathing treatments 4 times daily and a new Airway Clearance machine is being delivered to me here Thursday.  I don't want to do it because its painful !

    So, I'm trying all measures to protect my lungs. Like getting the vaccines.


    PS::  I Have To drive.  I do not have a caregiver!

  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member
    edited September 2021 #4
    Fevers, before and after

    So, before I went out to get the vaccine #3 Booster  today, I called my Pulmonary/ critical care dept to ask if I should get the vaccine, given that I have been having low grade fevers.  After explaining it to the nurse, she said she would leave a note for my doctor, but that she felt it was okay to get it today, as long as not feeling too sick...

    Hmmm,  well, I wanted to get this done because the rest of my week is full already.  So, I got this #3.vaccine. . And my Temp  is now higher than before.  Time for Tylenol and bed.

    The Pharmacist studied my thin arm for quite a while,  trying to decide where to inject me. I am 71.6 pounds.

    Last year in October, the Cancer Center pharmacist wss actually distressed about having to jab me, for the Influenza shot v and he put it way up high On My Shoulder!!!!   Gee, I'd never had one that far up, before... Back then i weighed a little over 74 pounds.  He might flip if he saw me now, even lighter .

    This COVID #3 today is just a little bit below my shoulder..

    I'm at a loss to find out how to get back any of my body Mass, or even body weight.... It seems very elusive to me.

    How I dread the cold weather, at this weight !!!  Brrrrr..!!!!


  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member

    It sounds like on your DM, that the booster finally kicked in, and you're seeing some symptoms. I'm hoping that ends up being great news!

    I remember taking a lot of supplements, when I was really into weight lifting (more than I am, now). They have Mass Gainer powder - which I didn't feel I needed (I just took protein). But, if one was a 260 pound, Offensive Tackle - wanting to get up to 290, it appeared to be the stuff.

    I've wondered if that wouldn't be a great idea for Cancer survivors, who are looking to maintain or gain some weight.(?)

    My disclaimer, is that I'm not a health care nor nutritional professional ... just a know-it-all engineer. So, my advice is free ... and worth every penny!

    I hope you get past those booster symptoms soon - and get back to being the incredibly tough, hardy lady I know!!


  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member

    Hi Curt,


    This afternoon my temp is 101.1*.  I'm feeling queasy, sore and I took Tylenol. Temp is not budging.

    My Oxygen Saturation is going back and forth, down to 84% and then up to 95% .  The Pulmonary nurse just called me and she's getting my doctor to call me.  As you know, I had Double Lung bacterial Pneumonia and was admitted in June ( and again in August).  I don't know Why my Oxygen is dipping down to 84%, but I can tell you, when its that low, they want me to Sit Down,  even if I'm outside and have to sit on the ground.  It makes one really Weak,.. !!  Just believe me, with 5 pneumonia in past, I know how it feels.


    Curt, as per the Mass Builder supplement, I will run it by my Oncology dietician first. She tries to manage my G tube feedings, etc.

    ?the Pulmonary nurse who called me said if I become sicker ( vomiting, ), that I will have to go in to the Emergency Dept.

    No thanks.... I did that in June by my doctors orders, to get me admitted.


    He has told me recently that the hospital is Full of COVID cases.  Well, except for the Cancer Center hospital, which they reserve for people like us.  I was in a gorgeous room in June on 7 West ..  I watched the sunset every evening..

    Drats !!!! This fever is now 101.2*.

    ? Crystal

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    Dear Crystal

    You're all vaxed up and good to go.
    Now if we can just get those darn lungs completely cleared out and a little weight gain would be a big help.
    Glad they could find a place to inject you.
    I'm sure they were afraid they would hurt you.
    That's Crystal, like a timex-Takes a licken and keeps on ticken
    That saying may not ring any bells for our younger viewers.
    Best to you Crystal-prayers your way-Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member


    It sounds like on your DM, that the booster finally kicked in, and you're seeing some symptoms. I'm hoping that ends up being great news!

    I remember taking a lot of supplements, when I was really into weight lifting (more than I am, now). They have Mass Gainer powder - which I didn't feel I needed (I just took protein). But, if one was a 260 pound, Offensive Tackle - wanting to get up to 290, it appeared to be the stuff.

    I've wondered if that wouldn't be a great idea for Cancer survivors, who are looking to maintain or gain some weight.(?)

    My disclaimer, is that I'm not a health care nor nutritional professional ... just a know-it-all engineer. So, my advice is free ... and worth every penny!

    I hope you get past those booster symptoms soon - and get back to being the incredibly tough, hardy lady I know!!


    Spot on

    Hey Curt,


    Yeah, I know about you engineers ...!!  And Yes, your advice and admonitions to me have always been Spot On, Right On Target...accurate and always worth considering and implementing ...

    No, I will never be a linebacker or offensive tackle, but gee, my clothes keep getting larger!  I am not exaggerating, it's like I'm disappearing...

    I used to use a Whey protein powder years ago... I've had this problem of weight loss, long before my cancer, but not this drastic .  

    Thanks, Curt and I will ask my dietician or nutritionist!.

    that's something I could mix and put through my G tube, and not be concerned with aspirating it.

    Thanks!   Great minds here, as always.



  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member

    Okay, I don't get this--- Its been over 24 hours, and tonight my Temp is 100.7*.  Sharp ear pain ... Lots of pains...


    The nurse told me today to expect a fever for 12 hours. Well, its now been 27 hours with no let up. Hot!

    I have Physical Therapy tomorrow at the hospital.  I don't think I should Tax myself and work out , until I know what's going on. Besides.... Oh to heck with it.

    Going to bed.


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member


    Okay, I don't get this--- Its been over 24 hours, and tonight my Temp is 100.7*.  Sharp ear pain ... Lots of pains...


    The nurse told me today to expect a fever for 12 hours. Well, its now been 27 hours with no let up. Hot!

    I have Physical Therapy tomorrow at the hospital.  I don't think I should Tax myself and work out , until I know what's going on. Besides.... Oh to heck with it.

    Going to bed.


    My Prayers

    Are with you.
    Just use your good sense you will know what to do.
    And if it is not better in the morning call and let them know.
    Take Care-God Bless-Russ


  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member
    No relief,

    So, I still have chills, Fever over 100* ( its changing as I type this) every joint hurts, lots of pain and the Welt on my arm from this COVID Boostrr shot is now 5 1/2 inches long. It pretty much covers my entire upper arm.

    Coughed all night, calf cramps... I did drink a lot of water.  This morning, chills so bad that opening the refrigerator was a shock!

    I called Physical Therapy at the hospital and they said do not come in. She said rest and hydrate.

    Yesterday the nurse in Pulmonary said to expect a fever for 12 hours.  Well, it now coming up on 48 hours and my temp is still over 100* ?

    So, I have to call my Pulmonary doctor again.


  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member
    Emergency Dept. Is my doctors recommendation

    So, I just called Pulmonary..... And Dr. Meier's recommendation Last Night, was for me to get to the Emergency Dept if this fever continued in spite of Tylenol fluids and rest.


    Well, it IS continuing right now, but I need to be here at 5 pm for the Respiratory therapist who is coming to my home to bring a new Airway Clearance machine .....


    I don't know what to do.  I might need Bloodwork done ??

    Drats ...  

    Where is Randal when I need him ??

    My tired mind doesn't know what to do...

    Its persisting at 100.2* now.


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    edited September 2021 #13

    Emergency Dept. Is my doctors recommendation

    So, I just called Pulmonary..... And Dr. Meier's recommendation Last Night, was for me to get to the Emergency Dept if this fever continued in spite of Tylenol fluids and rest.


    Well, it IS continuing right now, but I need to be here at 5 pm for the Respiratory therapist who is coming to my home to bring a new Airway Clearance machine .....


    I don't know what to do.  I might need Bloodwork done ??

    Drats ...  

    Where is Randal when I need him ??

    My tired mind doesn't know what to do...

    Its persisting at 100.2* now.


    Probably Too Late

    It's after 5.

    Crystal I just saw your post on CSN and I want to say if you need the emergency dept. go you can always reschedule the Respiratory therapist another time.
    If you don't get something done you may not need a respiratory therapist.

    Your everyday condition does not need any compromises like this it is not good for you.

    So go in and hold them accountable for these reactions.
    All we ever hear is there are no problems with the covid shots but you are proof there is.

    Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    edited October 2021 #14

    I'm hoping that you're OK - I'm missing your incredibly strong spirit!


  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member


    I'm hoping that you're OK - I'm missing your incredibly strong spirit!


    Oh my !!  

    Oh my !!  

    I am okay, dear Curt, considering everything that's going on-- and sending you a private mmessage right now okay?

    ?  Crystal


  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    edited October 2021 #16

    Oh my !!  

    Oh my !!  

    I am okay, dear Curt, considering everything that's going on-- and sending you a private mmessage right now okay?

    ?  Crystal



    I'm glad to hear you're beating the Covid booster; you may just be the toughest person I know!!


  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    Glad you're okay, I was

    Glad you're okay, I was worried!

  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member
    edited October 2021 #18
    From my Medical Center

    Hi Russell, Curt Ozy , and all:: Today  the message below was in my Inbox.  YES, this is just as my Pulmonary/ Critical Care doctor told me on the phone, 2 weeks ago. Same information.  And its why I got my Pfizer Booster vaccine, exactly 1 week ago.  And the vaccine did not harm me, just made me sick for a couple days. That was my 3 rd vaccine for COVID.   The virus itself though, Will Kill Me..  No doubts about it.  Remember, I had Double lung pneumonia in 5 th pneumonia in recent years.

    -- t 



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    COVID-19 Update: 5 Things You Need to Know

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    • Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist4:06 PM


      As we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, we wanted to provide you a quick update.


      1. The Delta variant is highly contagious and can be more serious in adults.

        On September 29, 96% of patients in our system who were hospitalized with COVID-19 were unvaccinated
        and every single one of those in ICU or on a ventilator were unvaccinated. Please don’t let this be you or your loved one. The COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective and the best prevention against COVID-19 hospitalization and death. Schedule through myWakeHealth, by calling 336-70-COVID or visiting a local pharmacy or vaccine site near you.


      1. Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine boosters are available.


      Pfizer COVID-19 boosters are available for those who received the Pfizer vaccine, not Moderna or Johnson & Johnson. They are recommended for certain groups at least 6 months after their Pfizer second dose. Also, if you are immune compromised and have already received a third-dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine to complete your primary series, you do not need a booster. To schedule a third-dose or booster, call 336-70-COVID, or go to a local pharmacy or vaccine location near you. Pfizer booster appointments are readily available throughout the community.


      1. You can get both your flu and COVID-19 vaccinations at the same time.


      Now is the time to get your flu shot, and it’s safe for you to get both your flu and COVID-19 vaccinations during the same visit. Flu shots are available from your primary care doctor, our Urgent Care locations or local pharmacies.

      1. Use Emergency Departments only for true emergencies.


      Patients who come to the emergency department (ED) for non-life threatening issues can expect to wait two to three times longer than they would have before the COVID-19 pandemic. Go to the ED if you have a true emergency. If you do not have an emergency, you can still get care fast through one of our other care options.


      1. Use retail pharmacies or other testing locations for asymptomatic COVID-19 testing.


      To get COVID-19 tests for things like travel or to get your child back in school, visit a local pharmacy or community testing site. This helps keep clinics and EDs available for those who need care. Feeling sick? Here’s what to do.


      Please stay safe!