Is it safe to have a glass or 2 of wine a few days into off week?

abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member

I was not a big drinker by the time I got diagnosed.  It i kind of miss having a glass or 2 of a nice wine. 


  • Gabby T
    Gabby T Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited September 2021 #2
    My oncologist says an

    My oncologist says an occasional small glass is fine, and sometimes that little indulgence can add back to our quality of life.

  • SnapDragon2
    SnapDragon2 Member Posts: 721 Member
    edited September 2021 #3
    Heck ya it is!  Enjoy

    Heck ya it is!  Enjoy

  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited September 2021 #4
    Gabby T said:

    My oncologist says an

    My oncologist says an occasional small glass is fine, and sometimes that little indulgence can add back to our quality of life.

    cool. Does it need to be in

    cool. Does it need to be in off week?

  • Gabby T
    Gabby T Member Posts: 11 Member
    abita said:

    cool. Does it need to be in

    cool. Does it need to be in off week?

    He didn't say.... just that a

    He didn't say.... just that a little wine now and then wouldn't hurt me. 

  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member
    Gabby T said:

    He didn't say.... just that a

    He didn't say.... just that a little wine now and then wouldn't hurt me. 

    Awesome! I miss a glass of

    Awesome! I miss a glass of cabernet. I don't drink a lot, but I do miss wine sometimes. Mine said no when i asked if it was okay at my reunion to have a glass. 

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member
    edited September 2021 #7
    I'm on the indulge a bit side

    I'm on the indulge a bit side. I had beers weekly throughout my treatment, stopping a day before and after chemo. Cindy's brain tumor information and studies said nothing about alcohol, and I wanted her to be able to enjoy days/nights out, or things like holidays and Octoberfest type events, and we did. I didn't really give a d*mn what was ideal then, and I can't say I care much about walking that fine line of strict dietary control and perfect body health now either, but that's me. I've read a lot of different articles, most just suggesting moderation, not prohibition. I think those doctors living a strict, teetotaler existence, would automatically say no, as it's why they live as they do.  If a couple glasses of wine add to your enjoyment of the moment, I say, enjoy...................................Dave

  • DanNH
    DanNH Member Posts: 186 Member
    Buzz Kill

    This is from a Keto perspective. Pam is on a modified keto diet with the intention of reducing the glucose that cancer thrives on. Alcohol is a carbohydrat that breaks down into glucose and feeds the cancer cells. An option is cannabis. For full disclosure I have never used it and she has only used it during chemo. She does infused seltzer water. It has no glucose or calories, helps with sleep and nausea. A half a can a night is helpful for her. 

    On the other hand if the low carb diet was not a concern then it would be a glass or two of Cabernet instead, along with some Trader Joe's cheese curls! Oh how we miss them... Just my thoughts. 


  • OnTheRoad
    OnTheRoad Member Posts: 31 Member
    I can say I had some....

    Hello, Abita,


    Back in my Folfox time I had a few beers, always on the "good" week. Once or twice I even had a little more than "a few" beers !  Laughing


    My onc did not liked when I told him I was doing it, but I had no negative effects in my health... and it surely improved my mental health making me feel more "normal" during those times.

  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited September 2021 #10
    OnTheRoad said:

    I can say I had some....

    Hello, Abita,


    Back in my Folfox time I had a few beers, always on the "good" week. Once or twice I even had a little more than "a few" beers !  Laughing


    My onc did not liked when I told him I was doing it, but I had no negative effects in my health... and it surely improved my mental health making me feel more "normal" during those times.

    Mine le turned me when I

    Mine le turned me when I asked about having a glass of wine.

  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member

    I drank through chemo.  Mostly red wine, because it was supposed to have had a positive effect.  On weeks and and off weeks.  I survived.  I suppose if you want to think about it scientifcally, the alcohol opens up the small viens and capillaries and carries the chemo further through your system.  But that might just be a justification for doing what I wanted to do anyway.  Anyway, in the end it turns out I hate red wine, so now I have reverted to beer.   I am still surviving.  For what its worth.