Wishing You All

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member

A safe and happy Labor Day
May you all have a safe and Blessed Labor Day.

I would like to Thank God above all else for his many Blessings on this Nation and for making us prosperous.
Labor Day Prayer:
Dear God, on this Labor Day, we give You thanks for all those who work in stores and markets, in mines and fields, on ships and planes, in the armed forces, in factories and warehouses, in hospitals and churches, in offices and classrooms. God, we benefit from the labor of so many people, many of whom we never see. Thank You for their good work and faithful service. And thank You for our market economy that provides jobs and benefits to so many people. May our work always glorify You. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen.

I also would like to add my gratitude for all the doctors, nurses, and host of other health care workers
that have gotten us through the toughest times of our lives.

Please feel free to add your comment and well wishes also.

Take Care-God Bless-Russ

Border Collie with American Flag

Labor Day Lady

Labor Day Tools & Flag

Labor Day Flag
