Abdominal pain 3 days into first chemo

Chuncha1251 Member Posts: 8 Member
edited February 2022 in Ovarian Cancer #1

Has anyone else had stabbing pains in bladder area, urethra, vagina and general abdominal cramping after taking these drugs:  Taxol, Carboplaten, Dexamethasone, Neulasta and home-administed Zofran (Ondansetron)?   Something in this cocktail has cause me to be in a lot of pain for over 24 hours.  Doctor consulted, and he thinks it's constipation.  Probably the griping in the abdomen is, but the stabbing pains in the urethra?



  • TealGirl
    TealGirl Member Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2021 #2
    I'm sorry that you're having

    I'm sorry that you're having to deal with those side effects. I had the same cocktail and the same problems, it was not a fun time. In my case, it was because I was severely dehydrated. The nausea and abdominal pain made it almost impossible for me to eat or drink. I started drinking a lot of peppermint and chamomile tea to help ease the abdominal issues and stay hydrated, but I know that may not help everyone. Sending lots of healing thoughts and keeping my fingers crossed that your symptoms clear up! 

  • Chuncha1251
    Chuncha1251 Member Posts: 8 Member
    TealGirl said:

    I'm sorry that you're having

    I'm sorry that you're having to deal with those side effects. I had the same cocktail and the same problems, it was not a fun time. In my case, it was because I was severely dehydrated. The nausea and abdominal pain made it almost impossible for me to eat or drink. I started drinking a lot of peppermint and chamomile tea to help ease the abdominal issues and stay hydrated, but I know that may not help everyone. Sending lots of healing thoughts and keeping my fingers crossed that your symptoms clear up! 


    Thanks for your reply.  I'm into the 3rd chemo treatment, getting all the same drugs except not needing the Zofran (ondatse...??), and getting the same symptoms each time of erratic, stabbing pains in abdomen, urethra and some in legs.  I think it might be the Neulasta.  


  • Chuncha1251
    Chuncha1251 Member Posts: 8 Member
    Doc claims 1 dose fits all with Neulasta

    Has anyone taking Neulasta been able to get a smaller dose than 6mg, standard for all adults (be they 200-pound men or me, a woman 108 lbs)?  I'm getting told that they "CAN'T" give 5 mg.  I am thinking of demanding that I get the pediatric dose of 4mg or I won't take it at all.   Any comments?

  • Chuncha1251
    Chuncha1251 Member Posts: 8 Member
    Using fasting mimicking diet before chemo - ?

    I am starting to use a fasting mimicking diet a few days before each chemo treatment.  Has anyone else tried it and have an opinion?  It wasn't difficult, but it's super important to keep hydrated more than usual.   I'd like to hear from others who have tried this.  

  • Steelkiwi686
    Steelkiwi686 Member Posts: 78 Member
    edited September 2021 #6

    Just popping in from colon cancer group... I had neulasta with every chemo treatment (26 of them) and was advised by a fellow patient that taking claritin can prevent the pain that often occurs as a side effect. My oncologist approved and said many people do this.  I took one a day for at least three days before my shot and two days after and never had pain as a side effect. Just throwing it out there. I admit I was slightly annoyed that the dr hadn't mentioned it himself. 
    I hope you find relief quickly. 

  • Zady
    Zady Member Posts: 1 *

    Yes, Claritin for Neulasta side effects! I had some rough bone pain symptoms and my NP had me so Claritin. I didn't take all the time, just a few days before and after chemo. But there were other women in my cancer group who took it every day through the chemo cycle.

  • delia2
    delia2 Member Posts: 1 Member

    Hi. A lot of people think the stabbing abdominal and leg pains are from the cancer getting killed. It's a poisitive way to think of it anyway. it seems to me it decreased over the six cycles while the fatigue got worse over time as I became more anemic. I never had neulasta but that is supposed to cause bone pain and people swear by Claritin for it.

  • midnightbreeze
    midnightbreeze Member Posts: 4 Member

    Hi, I was on that same drug regimen except for the Neulasta. On Round 3 of 6 chemo rounds, I had terrible leg and foot pains. They had me use Voltaren (OTC) to relieve the pain, along with adding Claritin to my drug regimen. They also lowered the Carbo one level and then the Taxol one level. After they adjusted the levels, I was able to finish my last 3 rounds of chemo with no leg/foot pains. I had to ask them to adjust the levels as they weren't going to do it themselves. They said it would still be equally effective and so were willing to adjust them for me. I'm not a very big person, and it was a lot of medication. I am 2 1/2 weeks out from my last chemo round, and I still feel fatigue, sometimes nausea and stomach cramps/lack of appetite. I thought I'd feel better by now, and it is distressing that I still feel the way I do. I read something recently that said when you feel sad/depressed/hopeless, just do the next thing and then the next. That's how I have been keeping myself going. I have my first post-chemo follow-up labs and scan this coming Thursday. I'm scared. I so want this to be over and go on with my life, but I guess I've realized that I'll never really be able to put this journey down and walk away as the monitoring goes on for a lifetime. Sigh.

  • midnightbreeze
    midnightbreeze Member Posts: 4 Member

    I forgot to add they put me on Colase which is OTC for the constipation twice a day. That did help as well.

  • itishforever
    itishforever Member Posts: 9 Member

    Colace and a laxative and as much water as possible ! vegetables and fruit

    I cut out bread , cold cuts as theybdid nothing for me in the way of nutrition

  • Chuncha1251
    Chuncha1251 Member Posts: 8 Member

    I just found this helpful dietary website tonight. Ovarian cancer and diet explained https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/ovarian-cancer-and-diet

    It made me realize I'm not eating enough of the good stuff, but I did cut out the back stuff during and after chemo. Doing well so far.