Cartoid Artery

I am 28 months out from finishing my treatment from HPV 16 tonsil / lymph node cancer and am still doing great. My GP just had me do an ultra sound of my cartoid arteries to determine if any issues are developing. I have been warned by my ENT that narrowing of the arteries is a possible side effect of the radiation. My ENT said your looking at more like 10 years down the road for any issues to happen. I just had the ultra sound yesterday so no results yet. Do any of my fellow warriors out there have any issues with their cartoids since treatment and is anyone else getting ultra sounds on a regular basis. Thanks, Rick


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited February 2021 #2
    I Have Heard OR Read

    Somewhere that radiation can affect your carotid arteries but I have not been regularly checked for this nor have I heard it mentioned a lot on the forum here. I am soon to see my ENT so I will ask him about it. Also, I think it may have to do with how strong the radiation was and how close to the arteries it was. Did your doctor mention your radiation strength or the coverage area in your case? Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • ricksmithgolfer
    ricksmithgolfer Member Posts: 88 Member
    wbcgaruss said:

    I Have Heard OR Read

    Somewhere that radiation can affect your carotid arteries but I have not been regularly checked for this nor have I heard it mentioned a lot on the forum here. I am soon to see my ENT so I will ask him about it. Also, I think it may have to do with how strong the radiation was and how close to the arteries it was. Did your doctor mention your radiation strength or the coverage area in your case? Take Care-God Bless-Russ

    Hi Russ,

    Hi Russ,

    My tonsil cancer was on right side with 4 lymph nodes involved in levels 1 & 2, I think the neck is broke into 4 levels - 1 being the highest in the neck area and 4 being the lowest. I had the full 70 greys to the right side and 54 greys to the left side as a precautionary measure. Also had 3 doses of Cisplatin. No cancer on the left side at time of treatment.. I think my GP is just being cautious. As my ENT said this narrowing of the artery is something that can happen 10 years down the road. My GP did mention after I asked how much narrowing is considered bad. He said once you get to 70 percent narrowing surgery would most likely be needed to clean the arteries out. Should have the results this week and will pass them on. God Bless. Rick

  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,034 Member
    Carotid Artery Check

    Hi Rick,

    As Russ pointed out, this topic is not brought up too often. My Radiation Oncologist told me to have my Carotid Arteries checked at roughly the 10 year mark for blood flow. I remembered to inquire about it and my Primary Care Doctor had me get a scan. My results were clear. Leaning on the side of caution, I asked again after the next 5 year mark to be safe, results were clear. 

    We have to be our own Advacates at times so make mental notes or write them down somewhere for future tests.

    My Best to You and Everyone Here

  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 323 Member
    Carotid artery

    When I had my initial meeting with my RO he explained how the radiation mapping worked and how they were able to avoid radiating things like my vocal cords.  The 2 exceptions were my right mandibular salivary gland (it's toast) and the carotid artery.  But he followed up that comment by saying "the good news is that it's one tough artery!".  Somewhere else in that conversation he pointed out that in 5-10 years my risk of a stroke would increase by 1%, and in 15-20 years it'll increase another 1 or 2%.  I'll have to get those numbers verified at my next followup in May.  The main point is that there is increased risk over the years post Tx.  I would guess that this is an individual thing as many other issues are (i.e. lymphedema is an issue for many but I have had no issues whatsoever).  There has been no mention of the need for a scan, but my PCP checks the blood flow with a stethoscope at my yearly physical.  Sounds reasonable to me.  But maybe she will order a scan at the 5 year mark???

    MarineE5, that's great news!

    Best wishes on a good report, Rick!

  • janymac
    janymac Member Posts: 35
    edited June 2021 #6
    carotid artery.

    I am 20 yesrs post NPC. I have narrowling of caroltids and have had vasculsr stroke /lacunar stroke@ 11 years after end of treatment. I am still working and getting on with life. although disease fee, the radiation is the gift that keeps giving. interesting to see the stats for stroke after radiation.