Chemo Belly

BeagleDad Member Posts: 108 Member

Good morning, folks.  Here I am with 19 radiation of 33 done.  5 of 7 chemos (Cisplatin) done.  I know I am heading into the tough weeks now.  Thankfully, my doc is proactive and has already prescribed some liquid morphine for me .... don't need it yet but nice to know it is there with my Magic Mouthwash.

I am asking for your responses to how you dealt with Chemo Belly.

The first few weeks I thought it was just constipation causing this hirrible feeling in my abs.  Doc advised a laxative and that has worked for evacuating my bowels, but this weekend I realized I still have this bad "pressure-type" pain near and behind my Gtube.  This can only properly be explained by chemo belly.  

I have read about ginger and peppermint teas (Wife is gonna get me some today) and I have been prescribed Metoclopromide that I just started taking.  Also gonna do some quite ripe bananas.

The issue I am facing is that due to this fullness and pressure, I have "no room" for my hydration, let alone food.  I know I need both but have no where to put them if the stuff ain't leaving my belly and headed down the proper intestinal channels.  Last night alone I drained about 6oz of some clear liquid from my insides by venting my gtube .... and given that I had drank nor eaten anything all day, that had to be water I consumed the previous day that did not go where it was supposed to, but instead stayed in my belly.  

Gonna talk with the professionals tomorrow, but thought I would reach out here today to see what you guys with experience have done for this aggravating issue.

Side note:  Going into Week #4 ... I have slightly swollen throat but no serious pain there yet.  Been following Piplillys skin treatment plan and no major burning there either.  I am still producing saliva but have long since lost taste and msot things taste like crap (Like Mattie noted) ... I'll do an occasional applesauce or pudding cup and force down a Boost shake Vitamixed with some ice cream when I have the room in my belly.  Dropping weight now but last check in at Onc center, Doc thought I was in a good position still.  So it could be a lot worse, and will get there I am sure..but at least I have the meds at hand and ready.  

Thank you all for everything.  

Don (Beagledad)


  • PipLily
    PipLily Member Posts: 127 Member
    edited February 2021 #2
    Hi Don!

    Well, congratulations on being more than half way done!! Sounds like you are doing really well on most fronts. But going into these last few weeks , you definitely want to make sure you’re able to keep up with Hydration and calorie intake. My husband had horrible constipation issues after his chemo. He ended up taking Miralax ( which is over the counter) every day throughout treatment, and this did help quite a bit. The Metoclopramide will help with GI motility, so if things are just “sitting there “, maybe this will help. But sounds like the best plan of attack is to definitely let your caregivers know tomorrow what is going on. Good luck tomorrow, and hoping you get some answers. 


  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member

    I remember the frustration of treatment alternately causing constipation and then a mild diarrhea. 

    I did take a stool softener for a while, which seemed to help. If you're able to eat some fiber, like oatmeal - that may also keep things moving.

    You might also ask your Oncologist if something like Metamucil would be something they think might work.

    I hope you find a solution. You're halfway done - CONGRATS!!

    Hang in there!


  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 467 Member
    edited February 2021 #4

    You aren't laying down after feeding, are you? Supposed to sit or stand erect for at least 1-1/2-hours after feeding: that's the whole point of "gravity," as in G-tube.

    My appetite during tx got so that there were days I only got a little over 1 Jevity in me, which might be part of the reason I got sick and hospitalized for 4 nights on an Antibiotic drip. Plus, could only sip water, along with putting a lot of godsend ice cubes in my mouth.

    Before starting tx I was told to get over-the-counter meds for both extremes of "regularity," so that is typical. I did have to use both. Hang in there. 

  • Wildman
    Wildman Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2021 #5

    Senokot natural laxative worked great for me the liquid hydrocodone gave me constipation so bad before I started taking this I thought I was going to have to go to the ER. lol